
Are You Submitting to God?

Tim Dilena

“Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you” (James 4:7, CEB).

A young man felt a call on his life to serve in missionary work, so he went to his spiritual leader for guidance. During their conversation, the leader discerned an independent spirit and edgy attitude in the young man. As he observed these disturbing signs, he counseled him, “Before you can become a missionary, you must become ‘submissionary’” — meaning, of course, that he must learn to submit.

Rage Against the Machine…Or Not

Rachel Chimits

Our God calls us to submit to those in power over us, but when is it okay to rebel against authority?

In his book A View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond reminisced about how the most difficult aspect of his job as a zookeeper was often the people at the zoo, not the animals. He told the story of an elderly visitor who, in his words, “created more bedlam than any single visitor in the zoo’s history.”

Sanctify Yourself: For Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders Among You

Carter Conlon

Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua knew that their reliance had to be totally on the leading of God and not on human intellect. You and I realistically do not have anything to add to the kingdom of God except obedience and a heart that loves the Lord Jesus Christ. Bring your life whether it was spent for righteous or unrighteous purposes, whether it looks like it is of great value or of no value, bring your life to God. Let the miracle begin with you!