God’s Light Alters Everything
“Early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them” (John 8:2, NLT).
Jesus’ reputation had spread far and wide because he spoke profound words and performed powerful works of God. Yet, no sooner had this crowd of commoners gathered than the religious leaders showed up.
God’s Greatest Commands
When Priya* and her husband accepted Christ, their neighbors weren’t excited. Vicious gossip began circulating, and the pressure to convert back to Hinduism became intense.
“At times,” she confessed, “I wanted to give up and become Hindu again.”
World Challenge partners came to Priya’s church and talked about living as a light for God in the neighborhood.
The Soul-Piercing Power of God
The True Witness
There is a difference between the message of Christ and all the other religions that are available to humankind. God almighty in the form and power of the Holy Spirit is not only willing to save us but He is willing to indwell us and transform us from the inside out. If you have Christ in you, the Hope of Glory, that is God’s way of making Himself known to others who are outside of His Kingdom. Christ in us gives us the power to break every bondage, endure every storm and empowers our speech to bring light to others who are captivated in darkness.
Putting On Your New Self
Gary Wilkerson emphasizes the importance of Christians putting on their new self in Christ, leading to a transformed life that reflects the glory of Jesus.