

Stories from the Field

  • Pray for the Persecuted Church in India

    Rachel Chimits

    Believers in Central Asia are facing some of the worst persecution in the world currently, and they need the prayers of the whole Christian family.

    The first or second Sunday of November—the date depends on your church or denomination—is considered an international day of prayer for the persecuted church, and the believers in India could certainly use our prayers.

  • Fighting Off a Gambling Addiction

    Rachel Chimits

    One woman felt that lottery tickets offered hope that life had denied her until members of the church helped her find peace in better sources.

    As soon as someone mentions “addiction,” most people automatically think of drugs or alcohol. Those two substances, however, only represent a fraction of potential addictions that can entangle people.

  • Investigating a Fall From Grace

    Rachel Chimits

    A church leader in India is helping one family find purpose and unity after their son was snared by despair and addiction.

    Very little can be harder for a loving parent than seeing their child choose a self-destructive lifestyle.

    For one mother and father in India, they watched in despair as their oldest son seemed to swerve deliberately away from the model they had set in their own household onto the path to indolence and addiction.

  • Autistic Children, Abandonment and Appointments With God

    Rachel Chimits

    Two mothers struggling to raise their children with autism ended up finding strength in God and church community.

    “Nothing about autism is easy,” one contributor to Huffpost commented. “You can embrace it; you can find coping mechanisms and you can find small ways to make daily life a little easier. But that doesn't make autism easy.”

  • Escaping from the Battlefields of Iraq

    Rachel Chimits

    One woman’s struggle to protect her children in the Middle East has taken them hundreds of miles from home.

    ISIS’s reign over Iraq was brutal in the rifts it caused between cultural subgroups and devastation it wrecked on innocents. Civilians were used as human shields; chemical attacks ravaged entire towns; Iraqi soldiers caught in the battles against religious extremists were tortured and executed.

  • Freedom on Wheels

    Rachel Chimits

    Without a wheelchair, life can be very hard for those with limited mobility, but some are reaching out to them with a gift that will open new doors and opportunities.

    Imagine having to crawl to get anywhere in your home.

    Imagine most business owners taking one look at you and shaking their heads, no matter how qualified you were. “No. We don’t have any work for you.”

  • The Water of Life

    Rachel Chimits

    Those infected with HIV have many challenges ahead of them, but one of the most basic is the absolutely essential need for clean water. 

    Rhoda lives in some of the most remote areas of Kenya. During the dry season, “kaskazi” monsoons or hot northeast winds from the Persian Gulf make the normally arid savannahs a veritable dust bowl.

  • The Great Commission’s Call

    World Challenge Staff

    A wide view of World Challenge’s recent growth and missional work to bring God’s good news to the nations.

    This year has already been one of incredible blessings, a time to witness the Holy Spirit’s movement. So far in 2019, we are equipping churches in 23 countries and engaged in 52 overall.

  • Bicyclists in Malawi

    Steve Voyen

    God is using World Challenge supporters and trainers to empower pastors in southeast Africa.

    World Challenge is based in beautiful Colorado Springs, in the shadows of the Rockies. Almost every time I or my team members hit the hiking paths around our sunny—or frequently snowy—city, we are bound to encounter intrepid bicyclists aggressively challenging the same mountain trails.