

  • The Great and Final Apostasy

    David Wilkerson

    There are some denominations that have forgotten their roots and forsaken the old paths adopting even the homosexual agenda. They preach a polluted and diluted gospel that no longer deals with the blood of Jesus and the Cross. Many Christians are given over to spiritual harlotry and sit comfortable in their sin without any desire to be convicted or corrected but rather prefer to hear smooth messages. In the midst of this wickedness God is going to move supernaturally by His Spirit and cause us to cease from this apostasy and harlotry. In these last days God will remember His covenant and pour out His grace and mercy and redeem a people unto Himself.

  • The Wrath of Satan Shall Praise God

    David Wilkerson

    The present wrath that is in the world today is beyond human nature. This wrath is a satanic rage of the powers of darkness against the Lamb of God. But the Word of God promises that that the wrath of Satan will have to praise God. When Jesus comes on the scene there is no power of hell that can stand against Him. Where sin abounds the grace of God abounds in a much greater measure. In these last days of darkness there is going to be an out pouring of divine grace on every nation. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ. The weapon for every child of God is the power of the promises of God.

  • Heaven

    David Wilkerson

    In Heaven we know that there is a throne where Jesus is seated at the right hand of all power. We will be face to face with Jesus and we will begin to learn about things that the human mind cannot contain. The Bible also reveals to us the things that will not be in Heaven. There will be no hunger, no thirst, no sorrow and no pain. There is no sin there and no more hospitals or death. There will be a resurrected body of Christians that will be singing praises to Jesus and shouts of glory with an ever increasing joy. Jesus is coming back to bring us home to the place that He is preparing for us.

  • A Source of Joy That Can Not Be Overcome

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a time when superficial joy will dissipate. Christians who have a wrong focus on Jesus will never experience true joy. God has a prescribed order in the way we should seek Him and serve Him. Our seeking God has to be divinely lead and divinely influenced. When we begin to abide in Christ our lives will be put in divine order. The joy comes when we find the abiding life of Christ flowing in us and through us. 

  • When Even Prayer Seems Impossible

    Carter Conlon

    The human heart makes an incredible boast in natural strength. It takes an impossible situation to convince us that we do not have the resources to live this Christian life. If we, by faith yield ourselves to the Lord and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon us, then God's life will become our life. A surrendered life testifies that no man can change without the Spirit of God. It is not a concept about Christ that changes us, it is Christ in us that lives His life through us.

  • The Unrelenting Humility of God

    Carter Conlon

    Only when we get to Heaven will we realize the extent of Christ's humility. When we casually treat the awe and reverence of Jesus we will lose perspective of who God is. God is constantly stretching forth His hand to lost humanity. The only thing that keeps Him coming to us is His unrelenting humility. He will come and ask us the question "do you love me"? Even in all of our failures and compromise He is relentless in His pursuit for our hearts. He has done everything possible to convince us of His love.

  • The Things Which Must Be Hereafter

    Carter Conlon

    When Heaven is revealed to us we will begin to notice the tragedy that awaits the unsaved and a cry comes into our hearts for every lost soul. Jesus Christ will write a testimony to us that will cause men to be turned from Hell to Heaven. God will allow trials and seasons of loneliness to produce a depth of Christ in us. We must see the things that must be. We must see Jesus as the absolute victor over every enemy that comes against us. We must see Him as Faithful and True. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

  • John Chapter 1: Pt. 5

    William Carrol

    God is calling us to be a witness. God does not expect us to understand fully what the nature of the Kingdom of God is, He is asking us to allow Him to manifest the glory of Jesus. We must be careful not to be offended at what He allows us to suffer or the speed in which He brings about deliverance.

  • Forgive Me Lord for Making You Cry

    David Wilkerson

    The Church of Jesus Christ is filled with people of a wavering faith. Jesus allows us to go through various trials and He delays His coming when a situation is not impossible enough to the intent and purpose that He can produce an unwavering faith in our heart. He allows the hopeless situation to become an impossible situation so that there is nothing humanly possible for you to do. When we walk away from Jesus in unbelief without considering His faithfulness Jesus is wounded by our unbelief and doubt.