The fulfillment of marriage as God intended it to be is still within reach of all of us. True love comes from communication. It comes from knowing one another, from taking the time to talk. Those that make that choice break through. Seek first the Kingdom of God.
The promise of God to Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and subsequently through the church of Jesus Christ. You are an extension of this promise that God made to Abraham. Your greatest enemy is fear. No one can triumph over the plan that Christ has destined for you. No one! Fear not!
Jesus Is Greater Than - Part 3: The Works of the Law
Gary Wilkerson
All of God's previous covenants were never fulfilled — the angels fell, Adam sinned and the Israelites couldn't follow the Law — until Christ came and completely fulfilled the Old Covenant. Jesus established the New Covenant — one where God gives us the grace to follow His commands. When we "drift away," as the writer of Hebrews says, it is not toward immorality, but back toward an old covenant works-based mentality. Our good works cannot add anything to Christ's finished work on the Cross. Works are a result of God's grace. They do not make us more holy or more acceptable to God.
The writer of Hebrews spends a lot of time addressing the issue of worshiping angels over Jesus. While this may not be as much of an issue in today's church, it is an example of glorifying supernatural manifestations more than Jesus himself. Anytime we compare something to Jesus or let it compete with him in our life, we make that thing an idol. God wants all idols to be broken in our life. Idols will break when you know who you are in Christ, when you worship Jesus above all else, when you love righteousness more than anointing and when God is on the throne of your heart.
Jesus Is Greater Than - Part 1: Prophets, Priests and Kings
Gary Wilkerson
We often look to men to rule over us, direct us and speak into our lives. We place more emphasis on pastors, prophets and politicians than we do on Jesus. Jesus is our Lord and King. He is the one true Prophet who speaks into our lives and He is our High Priest, interceding on our behalf. When we truly understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us, we can't help but worship Him in fullness and without restraint. When He is preeminent in a church, the culture and people will become more like Him — showing mercy, grace and tenderheartedness toward one another.
Christ has covered us. If Christ has covered us God help us to be kind enough to extend that kindness to other people around us. I believe if we choose this path then we’ll begin to truly find the strength of His love flowing through us. The strength of Christ’s Love is that we take the first step in covering a transgression. Then His love comes.
Family Matters - Part 4: Don't Give Up On Your Kids
Jonathan Bissig
Don't give up on your kids — God hasn't. He has a plan and a purpose for their lives. The fight for your kids begins with a cry. Go to the secret closet of prayer and bring your children to the feet of Jesus. He will move you from a place of fear to a place of faith and shut out the voice of the enemy. Feed your children the Word of God. Live it out in front of them. Offer it to them, but don't shove it down their throats. Let them "taste and see." It's not our job to change our kids. We entrust them to Jesus. He will meet them where they are at and awaken His Spirit within them.
Marriage is a covenant relationship between a man and a woman, witnessed by God. When divorce enters the picture, it tears apart something that was never meant to be split. It's painful. It's marital bankruptcy — more has been withdrawn from the relationship than has been deposited into it. Marriages don't fall apart over night though. They spiral downward from disappointment, discouragement and disbelief, all leading to desertion. God is not a passive witness, but an active one who is present and assists us. He promises to walk with us, warm cold hearts, open His Word to us and wake His Spirit within us.
We can truly represent God in this generation. We can put down our stones. We can be ambassadors of the one that went to a cross and said, “Father forgive them they don’t know what they are doing.” We can put our arms around people as the father did to the prodigal son, help them and empower them to be everything that God is calling them to be. We still have that opportunity to bear each other’s burdens. To represent Christ to a generation that still needs to know Him. It is the love of God in our hearts that will make the difference.
In our generation, something is happening in our time that began to separate Christ from His church. Why am I crying out to Him and He is not answering me? All throughout history we have time and again seen when ordinary people go in and seek the face of God with honesty, that Jesus Christ be made Lord. Find the fulfillment of these words of Jeremiah the prophet, “You shall seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.”