• The End of Your Hopeless Addictions

    The End of Your Hopeless Addictions

    Gary Wilkerson

    Many are struggling with addictions and have already given up hope. You've tried and tried to find freedom only to end up disappointed yet again. Rather than have hope and believe God for the victory we put on a smile and say all is well, even though we are torn up inside. Some of us need to fall on our face before God and confess that all is not well. Not all miracles are instantaneous. Elijah had to try several things before finally bringing the Shunemite woman's son back to life. Jesus touched the blind man twice before his eyes were fully healed. "Better" isn't good enough for God. He wants to see full and complete victory in your life; and He is willing to relentlessly pursue you until it comes — despite our lack of faith sometimes.

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  • Our Incredible Inheritance In Christ

    Our Incredible Inheritance In Christ

    Ben Crandall

    God has given us an inheritance beyond what our natural mind can comprehend. We are an heir of God almighty and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. This message reminds us not to settle for the temporal but rather to give ourselves to Jesus and inherit that which is eternal. We have the riches of heaven available to us here on earth but it doesn't end here, we have eternal riches forever. Don't settle for the temporal lies of the devil, embrace Jesus and live the abundant life.

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  • Trial Mix

    Trial Mix

    William Carrol

    When we are indentified with Jesus, we will go through trials. This message reminds us that because Jesus laid down His life for us, we have everything we need to get us through difficult times. We have a trail mix, and when we walk along this journey we can put our hand in the bag and pull out whatever we need. Jesus provided for us a conviction of cleanliness and a persistent praise to keep us in the midst of the storm. In times of trial don't let the devil isolate you, get into the presence of God so He can search your heart and reveal His love to you.

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  • The End of Your Meaningless Life

    The End of Your Meaningless Life

    Gary Wilkerson

    Some of us have come to a place where life feels like it has no meaning. We're drifting along with no purpose or intention. Life is filled with meaningless repetition. Beloved, your life matters to God. He has a plan and a purpose for your life and will give you the power to fulfill it. No life is without meaning in the Kingdom of God. You may feel like you're drowning in the pool of life, but let the breath of God resuscitate you and give your life direction, intention, purpose and power.

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  • 2012 – A Year To Consider Jesus

    2012 – A Year To Consider Jesus

    Carter Conlon

    As you begin the new year, will you stop and consider how deep and how far you are willing to go with Jesus? Consider Jesus and go outside the boundaries of a scornful world, lay aside every weight and don’t allow your struggles to dominate your focus. We are to stand and fight for a people who are fighting against their own salvation. It’s all about people and all about those who need a Savior. Consider Jesus and go all the way with Him.

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  • Christmas Presence

    Christmas Presence

    Gary Wilkerson

    If you put three geniuses in a room, they could not create something from nothing — only God can. It is man's role to arrange the things of creation in ways that bring honor and glory to God. Because of sin, man has failed in this role — primarily in the area of relationships. God placed man and woman in the garden to bring him glory. God asks us to be present with one another. Our presence always has implications, whether positive or negative. At Christ's birth it was time to create again. Jesus created something new. He wasn't just rearranging what was there.

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  • The Christmas Tree of Good and Evil

    The Christmas Tree of Good and Evil

    Gary Wilkerson

     Most Christmas messages don't start in the Garden of Eden with the fall of man. And this is not a message about whether or not Christmas trees are pagan and carnal. It is a message about a loving and merciful God sending His Son to a manger as our Savior — rescuing man from his fall "down" into sin and his fall "up" into trying to be like God.

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  • Favor For a Lifetime

    Favor For a Lifetime

    Gary Wilkerson

    In the Gospel of Luke, Mary is troubled when the angel of the Lord tells her that she has found favor with God. Like Mary, many of us have a hard time receiving God's favor. We feel unworthy or undeserving, but this is just the type of person God wants to pour His favor upon — the unexpecting, humble and lowly. Favor is often misunderstood to mean an easy comfortable life free of troubles, but God's favor is sometimes accompanied by difficulties. Just look at Abel, Noah, Lot and Joseph. Despite the possible difficulties, the favor of God will always bring about a "from now on" life changing and defining moment. Beloved, through Christ we're already favored. We just need to position our hearts and lives to receive it.

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  • Christ Is the End

    Christ Is the End

    Gary Wilkerson

    We cannot achieve righteousness through our own efforts but only through faith in Christ. Many people mistakenly believe that while we are justified by grace, we must sanctify ourselves through zealous pursuit of the law. However, this self-righteous striving only leads to anger, pride, judgmentalism and jealousy. True righteousness and sanctification come from continually depending on God's mercy and grace through the gospel, not through human will or exertion. Christ is the end of the law and puts an end to our fleshly striving, setting us free to walk in His power and glory.

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  • Everlasting Covenant

    Everlasting Covenant

    Gary Wilkerson

    God's old covenant with the people of Israel was a temporal one based on the works of man. The New Covenant through Christ is a much more excellent covenant. It is an everlasting covenant based on the finished work of Christ on the Cross. It is not something we do or follow, but changes who we are. Christ's single sacrifice cleanses us for all time from past, present and future sin. Don't fall back into an old covenant way of thinking where you try to earn your holiness and God's acceptance through works.

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