• Many in This City - Week 2: Holy Unity (Part 1)

    Many in This City - Week 2: Holy Unity (Part 1)

    Gary Wilkerson

    In 1 Corinthians Paul is writing to a church out of order and out of sync with God. He greets them knowing that God is faithful to complete the work He has started in them, but there are issues that need to be addressed. There are times when rebuke and correction are necessary. Sin left unchallenged will continue to grow. Paul's first and primary concern is division — not sexual immorality, drunkenness, or other sins that had arisen in the church. Division starts in the heart and results from walking in the flesh and relying on ourselves rather than being Spirit-filled and Spirit-lead. Holy unity comes when we fully surrender to Christ, doing all things for His glory and put others above ourselves.

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  • Many in this City - Week 3: Holy Unity (Part 2)

    Many in this City - Week 3: Holy Unity (Part 2)

    Gary Wilkerson

    In 1 Corinthians Paul is writing to a church out of order and out of sync with God. He greets them knowing that God is faithful to complete the work He has started in them, but there are issues that need to be addressed. There are times when rebuke and correction are necessary. Sin left unchallenged will continue to grow. Paul's first and primary concern is division — not sexual immorality, drunkenness, or other sins that had arisen in the church. Division starts in the heart and results from walking in the flesh and relying on ourselves rather than being Spirit-filled and Spirit-lead. Holy unity comes when we fully surrender to Christ, doing all things for His glory and put others above ourselves.

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  • A Sudden Voice In The City

    A Sudden Voice In The City

    Carter Conlon

    God desires to make Himself known so He can bring fallen creation back to Himself. The voice of God is always speaking, calling out to everywhere. There is an inner cry in every human being to know God. As the Church, we must not wait any longer to tell the world about Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly asks, how will they know, how will they turn, how will they hear if we don't share the gospel with the lost? The motivating force of our lives has to be the love of God for fallen humanity. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to the cry of every heart that does not know Jesus.

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  • Why is God’s Strength Made Perfect in Our Weakness?

    Why is God’s Strength Made Perfect in Our Weakness?

    Carter Conlon

    If God is not merciful to us we would never be able to occupy the place He has called us to. When we get in the presence of the Holy God and realize how different we are from Him we will begin to feel undone. It is in this place that we realize there is nothing in and of ourselves that we can bring to Him. God will give us revelation of His mercy and faithfulness. God will open our hearts and make us understand that it is not about our promises to Him, but rather His promises to us. It is not about what we can do for Him, but what He has already done for us. It is only by the mercy of God that we are able to stand in His presence. God wants to show His mercy to all of humanity. The ministry of the church here on earth is mercy.

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  • Many in this City - Week 1: Called to Make Disciples

    Many in this City - Week 1: Called to Make Disciples

    Gary Wilkerson

    Each of us has a call on our lives to go into the world and make disciples. If we call ourselves followers of Christ, then we need to be actively following Him where He is calling us. Are we walking in this calling? To truly walk out the call God has placed on our lives we must obey His commands, looking at our lives to see where they don't align with His Word.

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  • I Once Longed For New Things To Obey

    I Once Longed For New Things To Obey

    Carter Conlon

    This message is a wakeup call for those who started out with a passionate whole-hearted trust in God and are now beginning to move from walking in the spirit to walking in the flesh. You can cut off the source of the strength of God by coming to church and worshipping God even though you know clearly that you are doing something God told you not to do. Be careful of the mindset that thinks you can do whatever you want in spite of God is telling you to do, and thinking you will not be held accountable for it. When your faith is tested on the altar beware of turning from walking in the spirit to walking in human reasoning. You do not have to finish poorly. God is drawing us back into His Word and calling us to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice. Today is the day to put away all that would hinder your walk with the Lord. Stay in God’s presence until you heart burns again for the Word of God.

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  • God's Godless Moment

    God's Godless Moment

    Tim Dilena

    Sometimes we make a decision to obey God and immediately our life seems to become more difficult. We may not understand that we can be in the will of God, but go through struggles. Even Jesus dealt with this upon the cross, as he fulfilled God's plan of redemption, asking why he was forsaken. Through these difficulties there is always a changing point, a conjunction when you see the plan of God. He is teaching us to trust Him completely.

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  • Healthy Church, Healthy People - Part 2: The Immune System

    Healthy Church, Healthy People - Part 2: The Immune System

    Gary Wilkerson

    All systems of the body must function properly in order to be healthy. One important system is our immune system. Just as our physical immune system guards us from germs, bacteria and viruses, our spiritual immune system must guard against sin, our fleshly carnal nature, and Satan himself.

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  • Love Will Soon Cast Out All Fear

    Love Will Soon Cast Out All Fear

    Carter Conlon

    We live in a time that makes it so easy to be fearful. Day after day we are inundated with statistics that bring fear to our heart. In these last days God will do such a profound work in our hearts that fear will lose its power. You might ask the question how will God keep us from giving into the power of fear? We must understand His love brings incredible hope and power into our hearts. God will bring us to the full understanding that He loves us with a perfect love. His love for the genuine believer will give us an incredible security about the future. God's love covers and empowers us to join Him in His redemptive purposes. By faith, receive the incredible love of God and allow His love to flow through you to those around you.

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