David Wilkerson Devotions

Your Friends Matter to God!

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

You probably have various circles of friends that include your business world — your coworkers, partners or clients — and acquaintances you associate with on a surface level. We would have to leave the world altogether in order to avoid these kinds of contacts.

God cares most about your intimate circle, your bosom pals. These are the people you love most and who have an influence in your life. You agree on most things and you feel safe opening your heart to each other.

“Fear Not!”

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

God commands us not to fear our enemies. “You shall not be afraid of them” (Deuteronomy 7:18). For Israel, “them” represented the massive, well-armed heathen nations they faced in the Promised Land. For us today, “them” represents every problem, trouble and overwhelming difficulty we face in life.

God says we are not to fear, so no other explanation is needed. God is all powerful and he is aware of the satanic strongholds we face — every snare, trial and temptation. But he still says, “You shall not fear any of them!”

All that Matters is God’s Presence

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The Old Testament is filled with many accounts of the blessings that came to those who had the presence of God with them. These stories are meant to encourage and exhort us to seek God’s presence in our lives.

God’s presence was so evident in Abraham’s life that even the heathen around him recognized the difference between their lives and his: “Abimelech … spoke to Abraham, saying, ‘God is with you in all that you do’” (Genesis 21:22). This heathen king was saying, “Abraham, there’s something different about you. God guides you and blesses you wherever you go!”

The Marvelous Lovingkindness of the Father

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Christians who are serious about their walk with God have a deep desire to know their heavenly Father better. Scripture plainly states, “No one has seen God at any time” (John 1:18). We know that God is a spirit and he is invisible to us, so how do we get to know the Father? I believe part of Jesus’ mission on earth was to reveal the heavenly Father’s human face to us.

Comfort for Our Fearful Hearts

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The Christian life is not always a life of clear sailing. Every believer is going to have bad days, no matter how holy he may be. Thankfully, most Christians realize Jesus is present not only when things are going well, but also during difficult times. He is faithful and caring through every season and he is touched by every feeling we endure.

What Directs Your Life?

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Christians today live in a time of great light. The Holy Spirit has revealed to us the powerful meaning of Jesus’ work on the cross, and the incredible blessings this means to our lives. Yet there was a time when Christ’s wonderful work was obscured from the world. That period was known as the Dark Ages because the meaning of the cross was veiled from the eyes of humanity.

A Dangerous Habit

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

I once preached a sermon about our need to show love to those closest to us. I spoke about the sinfulness of being easily provoked — and the Holy Spirit convicted me of that very sin in my own life. I have learned that when the Holy Spirit speaks, it pays to listen. I repented immediately and then, after much prayer and seeking God, I was convinced I had victory over that weakness.

A Conspiracy of Interruptions

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

We hear a lot about conspiracies in our society — schemes aimed at destroying both democracy in America and Christianity. The heart of God is not troubled by such conspiracies, but there is one conspiracy that does concern our heavenly Father. It is satanic and is aimed directly at Christians who have set their hearts on entering into the fullness of Christ.

Is It Right for You to Be Angry?

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Carrying around resentment against God is one of the most dangerous things a Christian can do. Yet I am shocked by the number of believers who are peeved at the Lord. They may not admit it, but deep inside, they hold some kind of grudge against him. Why? Because they believe he is not interested in their lives or problems. Because he has not answered a particular prayer or acted in a certain way on their behalf, they are convinced he does not care.