David Wilkerson Devotions

God's Promise Is Just Ahead

David Wilkerson

“For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36).

The writer of Hebrews detects a weariness and impatience creeping into the believers. He wanted to address this by identifying for them Satan’s most effective weapon against those who grow weary in well doing: impatience with God.

Confidence in Jesus

David Wilkerson

The enemy comes roaring like a flood against saints who have no part in darkness. Satan can make it seem as if everything in their lives is coming apart: their prayers seem hindered, heaven seems as brass, and they suffer afflictions on all sides. At such times their heart might whisper condemnation: “You lack faith. If you only believed more righteously — if you were closer to Jesus, if your thoughts weren’t so evil — none of this would be happening to you. You would be on top, like those you see around you. You would enjoy abundance and hear clearly from God.”

Becoming “Endurers”

David Wilkerson

Why do some people seem to simply breeze through life? They seem to never suffer at all. Everything they touch prospers and they always look happy, as if they have no problems in the world.

You might question how that could possibly be. Indeed, as you look at such Christians, you may wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why have I had to endure one difficulty after another since I gave my all to Jesus? When I was cold and lukewarm in faith, everything was okay. I didn’t know such hardships existed until I got serious with God.”

God Will Never Leave Us

David Wilkerson

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11).

Believers in war-torn Iraq share, “Hard times are not coming — for us, hard times have been here for years.” They have known hardships for generations and they have learned to cling to faith. Because they have put on the whole armor of God, they are equipped to withstand evil and preach the gospel to those around them.

God is Faithful to His Children

David Wilkerson

We must be fully aware of the enemy’s schemes and methods. The most powerful weapon in Satan’s arsenal is a vicious lie — from the master liar! What is his biggest lie? That God is not faithful to His people.

Just as he has done throughout history, Satan wants to attack our homes, our marriages, our children, our health, our jobs and careers, our very belief in the Lord. Jesus told Peter, “Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31).

God Never Lets You Go

David Wilkerson

“But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail” (Luke 22:32). To me, this is one of the most encouraging verses in all of Scripture. Peter was enduring a severe trial and Jesus was assuring him that no matter what he might face, his faith would not fail.

Even though Peter had denied Christ, God did not forsake him — not for a moment. This once-fearless disciple, now broken and anguishing over his failure, was never for a moment on his own. And, beloved, neither are we!

A Song of Victory

David Wilkerson

We have a tender, loving Father who is touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Even Jesus wept in His trying hour. He knows our pain firsthand and He has sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us and speak hope and peace to our souls.

Interestingly, the world observes us as we face challenges, and expects us to sing a song in the midst of our hardest times. We see an example of this in the Word.

God Will Scatter Your Enemies

David Wilkerson

This is the text in the original Hebrew for Psalms 119: “When designing pursuers approached me, who are far from thy law; then you, O Jehovah, wast near with all thy faithful commandments” (Psalm 119:150-151, Helen Spurrell Translation).

Demonic principalities and powers had surrounded David, trying to bring him and Israel to ruin. Yet this man of God testified that as the enemy drew near, he trusted the Lord to draw even nearer.

God Sees His People Through!

David Wilkerson

Songs of victory sung after victories are not true songs of faith. Why? Because our doubts are not dealt a deathblow by our experience in victory. You see, when we experience victorious deliverance, we have a temporary flush of thanksgiving. We are naturally joyful because our God has mercifully acted on our behalf despite our doubts. Yet, what happens to our doubts? They are merely submerged deeper into the heart.

Stand Still And See

David Wilkerson

Let there be no misunderstanding: Our God is a tender, loving Father. There is a time to weep, a time to vent our fears. And right now many in the Body of Christ are overcome by fears of the future, fears about how they’re going to make it through.

As a pastor for many years, I didn’t take this issue lightly. Often I prayed, “Lord, are You demanding that Your people rejoice when they’re unemployed and losing their homes? They are in despair because they’re suffering. They don’t feel like singing. Can’t You cut them some slack?”