

  • What it Means to Live by One’s Faith


    David Wilkerson

    If God decides to chasten a nation because of their sins how should the church respond? We have to have a proper Holy Ghost view and not respond with or own zeal. The church must begin to plead to God to obtain mercy and grace. God judges sin in mercy and in His loving kindness will send forth His Spirit to renew the face of the earth. In these times of calamity, we as Christians must settle the issue, God is at work! The church of Jesus Christ shall prevail.

  • Ephesians - Part 1: Sovereign Grace

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 1:1-14 – Paul describes dramatic life altering realities. He does not argue dry doctrine or have unnecessary theological debates but simply tells his experience of being captured by God’s amazing grace.

  • God’s Purpose For Mercy

    Teresa Conlon

    If God chooses to be merciful to a people it is for an intended purpose. When we begin to live in compromise and unbelief we will end up dry, hopeless and cut off from the power of God. When God chooses to be merciful He will visit those in a valley of hopelessness, stripped of power and seemingly dead, and cause breath to enter them and they will rise an exceedingly great army. The logical end of mercy is a people standing and living for the glory of God. Mercy can and will begin to rewrite our life!

  • By Now You Ought to Be Teachers


    David Wilkerson

    How many sermons do we need to hear before we simply take God at His Word? There comes a time that we can become gospel hardened because we don’t allow our heart to respond in faith to the Word of God. We are called to be living epistles read and known to all men. Now is the time to allow our lives to be an example of the faithfulness of God. It is time to let our family and those around us take notice because we have an unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. You may be the only Bible your neighbors will ever read.

  • You Shall Know the Truth

    William Carrol

    Why is it important to know truth? What is truth? We know truth is a not something, it is someone. Jesus is truth. Knowing the truth gives us victory over the fiery darts of deception. The war against the devil is fought by the Holy Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit causes us to be intimately involved with the one who is truth. As we interact with the Holy Spirit He fights in us and through us. We cannot fight in our own strength. The Battle is the Lord's!

  • Say Goodbye to Captivity - Part 2

    Teresa Conlon

    The Word of the Lord for 2009 is, "go forward" and say goodbye to captivity. Jesus will begin to curse deep rooted sin, deep rooted prayerlessness and powerlessness. We will be given power to speak to every mountain of impossibility because Jesus cursed the root of it! This is our time to believe that in the 2009 we will say goodbye to everything that has held us captive. It is time for the church to "go forward" into the miraculous!

  • Say Goodbye to Captivity

    Carter Conlon

    Think of the thing you struggle with the most and by faith say goodbye to it. If we are called by God the powers of darkness know the potential we have in Christ. When we come to our red sea of impossibility God promises every enemy will be drowned behind us. There is a glory that will come upon a people who choose to get into the Word of God and simply declare the impossible possible. There will be a people in this last hour of time who have the testimony of Jesus Christ and a glory song that the world must reckon with. This day captivity will be broken and your song will be, "only God can do this"! It is time to go forward into the miraculous!

  • The Willingness to Love

    Carter Conlon

    It's not easy to love people. How can we love people the way Christ loves us? Loving others is hopeless unless we abide in Christ and allow Him to do through us what we cannot do for ourselves. It has to be Christ in us - the newness of His life and love flowing in us and through us. Unconditional giving of ourselves is the basis for an explosion of joy! Start loving and be ready for the miraculous.

  • Moses and His Rod

    Ben Crandall

    Whenever we decide to move forward in Christ Satan will always counter attack us. The enemy will use strategies such as compromise, fear and threaten us about the next generation. It is time to remind ourselves that Jesus Christ defeated all the power of the enemy and because we put our trust in Him we will make it through every Red Sea of impossibility!