

  • Shall the Dust Praise Thee?

    Carter Conlon

    Those who are governed by their fallen nature make attempts to be spiritual apart from the enablement of the life of Christ. Satan convinces man that it is of value to live life by self effort. It is this kind or reasoning that leads us into despair. The way out of despair is understanding that Jesus Christ was brought into the deepest places of sin and darkness yet He has triumphed over them. When Jesus Christ went into the grave and resurrected from the dead He broke the power over the devil and despair. We must choose to let God be God in us. This is the finest hour for the Church of Jesus Christ. God is calling us to get up and shake ourselves out of the dust.

  • Money, Mules and Travel

    Carter Conlon

    In these last days we have to know the voice of God and the cry of God. Jesus longs to reveal Himself to His church and with that revelation will come the knowledge of His burden for the lost. If we desire to hear God's voice we have to hear the whole package, the provision of God and the cry of God for the helplessness of humanity. We must offer all that we are so that God's heart would be satisfied in the earth. If you are willing to be given for others you will know and hear the voice of Jesus. The question is, "Will you give your all for the glory of God"?

  • The Last Day Image of Christ


    Carter Conlon

    There is a vision of God that comes into the heart of a man or woman when they stand before the throne of Jesus and pray, "Use my life for the souls of this generation." There is an incredible joy and provision when our heart is one with this plan of God. Carter Conlon reminds us that God will be faithful and avenge us speedily of the self-focus in us that hides the image of Christ. In these last days whose image do you reflect? It's time to shine for Jesus!

  • Touching the Tears of Failure

    Carter Conlon

    The plan of God is not hindered in our life because of our failures and frailties. We will be brought into an incredible battle through the events of our life. Questions will bombard our mind such as, "Have I grieved you? Did I miss God? Did I really hear from God?" Through this time of discouragement God is working behind the scenes and like living water that can flow through every hindrance, He will bypass our failures and frailties and bring us into His divine purpose and plan. When we see Jesus at the end of our journey He will begin to wipe away all our tears. We are going to a place where there is no sorrow or pain, so take heart!

  • Peace in the Midst of the Storm

    William Carrol

    Today in the midst of the storms of life we are reminded there is hope in Christ alone! If God is going to be glorified in this generation there needs to be a breaking down before He begins to build again. We belong to God and no matter what happens to this society nothing can separate us from the love of God. There is nothing in the stock markets or gas pumps to change that. It is time to simply believe God to keep us in the midst of troubled waters. God says He will take care of His people we can Hope in His promises because our faith is in God!

  • Winning in Your Battle with Fear

    Ben Crandall

    One of the master methods of Satan's power is to bring us under the spirit of fear. There is usually one great area that Satan attacks us in. If we want to win the battle over fear we must begin to seek Jesus with a desperation to be free. The greater the battle the greater the victory. We must stay in the fight! Pray and never give up! Always remember God has a purpose for every battle He allows in our life.

  • God's People Will Never Be Ashamed in the Time of Calamity


    David Wilkerson

    We will face impossible situations that demand nothing less than a miracle. God's people will never be triumphed over in times of calamity. Just as sure as God warns us of calamities, God will speak His promises into our heart. When you commit God to His Word the impossible becomes possible. We must take our faith to the distant unknown and stand on the promises of God. Those who put their trust in God will never be put to shame.

  • A Time to Weep and a Time to Fight


    David Wilkerson

    In these times of sudden calamity the initial response may be fear, but we must trust that God has everything under control. He has a million ways to solve our problems and is the only one that can give us answers. David Wilkerson reminds us in this powerful sermon that God is calling His people in the secret closet of prayer so we can get a Word from Him. 

  • When Lions Have Nothing More To Say

    Carter Conlon

    It's time to stand in prayer, unmoved by the roar of Satan's lies. The devil only needs one area of sin in our heart to take us down. We can shut the mouth of the lions when we don’t allow past betrayals, injustice, jealousy and anger keep us from moving forward in Christ. We must get to the point where the devil has nothing more to say to us concerning these areas of pain. We know we are of an excellent spirit when we can bless the hand that God has used to hammer out our character on the anvil. We must understand that we don't grow by having our battles go away. We grow by having our battles finish their intended purposes.

  • Thursday Night with Jesus

    Ben Crandall

    Jesus commands us to love one another. Love is unselfish and humble. The love of God washes feet. The love of God brings joy. The condition that our prayers would be answered is that we love each other. We are the body of Christ and in these last days the world will see the light of Jesus when we begin to love one another.