

  • ¿Verdaderamente cree usted en los milagros?

    David Wilkerson

    Tenemos que creer mas que nunca que Jesús esta obrando en nuestras vidas haciendo milagros. Si tan solo vemos a Jesús como un sanador o tan solo lo reconocemos por su poder – le temeremos pero no entenderemos necesariamente su corazón de compasión. Somos buenos dándole palabras de ánimo a la gente, pero ¿Qué sucede cuando se trata de nosotros? ¿Tenemos un corazón que esta endurecido con dudas e incredulidad?

  • The Lord Has Promised to Deliver You

    David Wilkerson

    The most heart wrenching prayers are silent utterances and a simple help. God hears and responds to the faintest cry of His people. Before you get into your situation, God already has a plan to bring you through. The whole battle is against our faith. The determination to deliver us was displayed on the cross. Jesus Christ is our personal deliverer and in Him we have the victory over our sin and temptations.

  • The Body of Christ: The Author of Authority

    William Carrol

    Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered and when He completed His ministry he became the author of Salvation to all who obey Him. There is a deposit of authority that is given to us and that authority comes from Jesus Christ. Jesus is the author of all authority because of who He is and what He has done for us.

  • Overcoming the Power of Spiritual Defeat

    Carter Conlon

    Spiritual defeat is contrary to the word of God. It is the seed of Satan that works its way into the mind before it becomes a physical reality, but for the heart that can embrace this: God says, “I have turned to you in mercy; I have brought you home to me, and my dwelling place in you shall be built”. God has a predetermined design of what He intends to do in and through our lives. This work is started and completed by our Mater Carpenter Jesus Christ and His intentions are to design His church to become carpenters after His own heart. No devil can destroy this divine work.

  • Destroying the Spirit of Divorce

    Neil Rhodes

    This message is not just about marriage, it also considers the sprit that is prevalent in the earth today. This spirit separates and divides nations and people. This is a violent spirit that brings a violent pain as we as humans begin to close our spirits and shut out one another. God will expose this spirit for the purpose of destroying it. The destruction will come as we chose to walk in unity. It is through a unified body that God will command His blessing.