

  • Destroying the Spirit of Divorce

    Neil Rhodes

    This message is not just about marriage, it also considers the sprit that is prevalent in the earth today. This spirit separates and divides nations and people. This is a violent spirit that brings a violent pain as we as humans begin to close our spirits and shut out one another. God will expose this spirit for the purpose of destroying it. The destruction will come as we chose to walk in unity. It is through a unified body that God will command His blessing.

  • The Resurrection of the Hidden Talent

    Carter Conlon

    Considering talents are the promises and provisions of God, have you hid the talents that He deposited in you because of unbelief? God will deposit in us what we need to empower us to bring glory and honor to His name. The more we step forward in faith the more you will notice that God wants you to go back to the first gifts He deposited into you and ask Him to resurrect the very first deposit that He placed in you.

  • The Basis of Faith Is Trust

    Carter Conlon

    When God sends us through hard times it is because He is investing His life in us. The very essence of our faith is to trust that everything God does is good  — the hard times, the times we don’t understand, and the uncomfortable times. Trusting in the goodness of God will allow us to go through any situation with a supernatural peace and we will come out understanding His purpose for our lives.

  • Standing Steadfast in Christ

    David Wilkerson

    In our times of testing we have a tendency to look inward becoming numb and we begin to drift away from the Lord. God promises to bring us out in total victory but we have to stay in the fight and allow faith to move us away from our own problems. We are to look away from self and consider the need and suffering of those around us reaching out to them with the love of Jesus. Jesus said “if you love me feed my sheep”!

  • Shout Unto God with the Voice of Triumph

    Carter Conlon

    When we walk in obedience to God, He will begin to put a divine order in our lives and He will empower us with the supernatural life of Jesus Christ. We all have enemies we are facing, but an obedient heart will open up our spirit to hear the shout of victory and freedom that only Christ can give us. Every Christian that is hungering for truth in this hour will have a cry produced in them by the Holy Spirit and this cry will shout out to the Glory of God.

  • Exchanging Panic for Peace

    Neil Rhodes

    It is in the heart of God that we do not live our life panic-stricken, but that we exchange our panic for His peace. When Jesus died on the cross for us He won the battle over every spirit of fear and He wrought for us power to live a panic-free life. Deliverance comes from laying hold of the promises of God and receiving this freedom by faith.

  • This Far and No Farther

    William Carrol

    There is a life the devil can't touch and that is the life of Jesus Christ in us. The enemy will come to us and attack us in our confidence and communion with God. He will do whatever it takes to plant the lie in our mind that if God really loved us we wouldn’t be going through the trials and situations that we as Christians find ourselves in. But God will come into our situation when the devil has gone too far. God will stand between the devil and us and say this far and no farther. He will always raise up a standard for His People

  • God Has Not Passed You By

    David Wilkerson

    When we are in spiritual, mental and physical pain and you have never endured more than your going through now, God will come with the comfort of the Holy Spirit and lead you to His word and His promises and He will reveal Himself through His word. The Devil will tell you God has passed you by – But you will hear a voice behind you say I will never leave you or forsake you.