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Gary Wilkerson Podcast

  • Why Are Pastors Struggling with Suicide?

    After the outpouring of responses to our pastors and suicide episode a few months ago, Gary Wilkerson answers some of the questions that viewers sent in about the nature of depression. He also addresses some misconceptions surrounding suicide, particularly in the church. As Gary responds to viewer comments and questions, he also encourages believers with specific ways they can find healing for this kind of deep hopelessness.

  • The Power and Simplicity of Prayer

    Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church talks about the incredible power of prayer, misconceptions about prayer, the strange difficulty and the true simplicity of prayer.

  • Church, It's Time to Get in the Game

    Evangelism taps into some Christians’ fears of not being knowledgeable enough or being shamed, but it also isn’t a priority for many others. Once we begin to live in a rhythm of evangelism, we will see incredible blessings.

  • A Wilkerson Family Testimony: Prodigal Children Overcoming Addiction

    Parents in the church can feel ashamed of having a prodigal child. They may have actually been condemned for their child’s suffering or wandering path. In this episode, Gary Wilkerson is joined by his wife, Kelly, and son, Evan, as they discuss how their family was ultimately able to draw closer to God as a result of Evan’s prodigal journey. While this time can be immensely painful for parents and families, God is always faithful. Gary, Kelly, and Evan talk about how God redeemed and healed their own relationships and lives through what seemed like a very dark period.

  • Can Doubt Be Good For Your Faith?

    In this episode, Gary Wilkerson talks about how doubt can hurt Christians but also how it can be one of our most useful tools for understanding God better.

  • Hiding Your Hurts Under a False Sense of Worth

    This week, Gary Wilkerson discusses how easily we slip into searching for worth in things other than God. Only God can validate our existence. Only he can give our lives real purpose and direction.