• Stubbornness


    Carter Conlon

    A stubborn person is a person who is fixed in purpose or condition, resistant to change and unreasonably obstinate. A stubborn person has an inner flaw and this inner flaw doesn't show until they are called to put all they are in the hands of God and walk in obedience. A stubborn person can appear humble, zealous and even exercise spiritual gifts, but there comes a certain point they can't get passed. They can't lay down their inner thoughts of the way things should be done and surrender to God's ways. God will allow a sense of emptiness come into our souls to get our attention. He is looking for a sincere heart to submit to the authority of His Word. When we choose to obey Him the power of sin and decay is cancelled in our lives. The only way out of stubbornness is to HUMBLE ourselves before God.

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  • The Deep Groanings of the Righteous

    The Deep Groanings of the Righteous

    Carter Conlon

    The moment we were saved the new nature of Christ was put within us. With this new nature of Christ came a deep inner longing and a groan that was put there by God. This inner groaning leads us into the depth of the life of Christ. We groan to become the new creation that God has intended us to be. Satan's most potent tactic against the righteous is to get us to feel that somehow we have fallen into disfavor with God in times of deep inner troubling, when in reality something more deep is going on inside of us. God by His grace will put a groaning in our heart to know Christ in His power and Truth and nothing but CHRIST will satisfy us.

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  • The Gates of Life

    The Gates of Life

    Teresa Conlon

    Jesus is on a journey and He is determined to meet every hungry heart that is caught between knowing Him and living in mixture. There is a heart thirst in all humanity and Jesus is saying all who come to me with this thirst I will be a well of living water in you, satisfying every longing of your heart. When Jesus comes to us He will cut through every area of our heart and deal with the issues that cause us to give our strength to unlawful attachments in an attempt to fill a void. Jesus Christ will come to the midst of our Samaria, and will open our eyes to His Cross, His grave and His resurrection.

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  • The Tender Mercies of God

    The Tender Mercies of God

    David Wilkerson

    Are you a merciful person? Are you someone who genuinely cares about the needs and concerns of others? The loving mercies of Jesus Christ are extended to all mankind. God is preparing "His church" in these last days through testing, trials and afflictions so that we are broken vessels for His mercy and compassion to flow through us. Whatever we are going through right now is for a DIVINE PURPOSE. God will allow us to go through trials and afflictions to soften our hearts. It is in this adversity that He will begin to comfort us with His TENDER MERCIES so that His love and compassion will be poured in us and then flow through us onto those around us.

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  • Blessed are the Persecuted

    Blessed are the Persecuted

    William Carrol

    There is a kind of assault of the enemy that involves trying to chase the Christian out of the place where God has called us. The enemy will attempt to keep us outside of the house of God and out of communion with God by verbally persecuting us. It is in this place where the enemy is attacking us that God will step in the middle of the devil’s deception and silence him. God will face the enemy and take a stand for us. Blessed are those who the enemy tries to keep out of the kingdom of God because he knows we belong to GOD and the kingdom belongs to US!

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  • Living Without Fear

    Living Without Fear

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    In this powerful sermon, David Wilkerson delves into the profound biblical promise that Christians can live without fear through the practice of perfect love. He explains that perfect love has two components: loving others in the body of Christ and knowing and believing God's love for us. The message highlights the importance of addressing any grudges or unforgiveness within our hearts to fully experience the peace and confidence that comes with being in right relationship with God and fellow believers.

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  • Laying Hold of the Seamless Garment of Christ

    Laying Hold of the Seamless Garment of Christ

    Neil Rhodes

    A seamless robe of Christ represents a NO DIVISION MINISTRY. Jesus would not allow the devil to divide Him from His father’s will. The enemy has one goal and that is to get us make independent decisions without Christ. We are called to have the same mindset as Jesus and walk in unity with Him and every relationship that we have. As we chose UNITY God will endue us with His power. When we do things God’s way there is a commanded blessing. In the mind of God there is no division. His heart is to perfect, establish and strengthen us through all of our trials.

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