

  • Are You a Tree Hugger

    Neil Rhodes

    God wants to bring exceptional deliverance and healing to His people. The way we see ourselves and the way we perceive situations can block us and stop us from what God has planned for our life. There is an incredible plan that God has for our life, but if we cling to the branches of our own religious beliefs, culture, and self concepts we will miss the will of God. We must not hug the tree of self perception, but instead  embrace the tree of Calvary. When God calls us He has the power and ability to change every misconception in our lives.

  • The Gospel of the Grace of God

    Carter Conlon

    A true conversion of Christ becomes miraculous when we understand that there is an enablement through the Spirit to love and serve Him. God will send promptings of His love to open our hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything that man longs for is found in Jesus and in knowing His plan for our lives. The question is, "can we be brought to this place of truth?" It is the love of God that brings you into a love relationship with Him. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost.

  • Praying with Gratitude

    Teresa Conlon

    God says do not be anxious or full of anxiety for nothing not even one thing. Do not let your heart be troubled and stay troubled. Turning anxiety into prayer and allowing that prayer to put gratitude in our hearts can be very powerful. The result of this kind of praying is peace. This peace is a ruling peace that brings order to our minds and reminds us that God is in control and that He loves us. The devil cannot follow us up the mountain of thanksgiving and praise.

  • Pride's Religion

    Carter Conlon

    Pride is the one sin that we should all be terrified of. Pride is the fuel source of all rebellion against God. Satan himself was corrupted by his own beauty and wasn't content to walk humbly in the place where God had placed him and decided to become his own god. We know we are operating under a spirit of pride when we become corrupted by how we see ourselves and begin to form false images. Prideful people are highly offended when God challenges this image. They refuse to die to reputation and are easily offended when confronted by Godly people.

  • Whatever Happened to Repentance Preaching

    David Wilkerson

    There are very few messages on repentance these days. Contemporary churches would rather appease the congregation than to preach the offense of the cross. There is a thirst all around the world today for truth. The only way for people to be healed and enter into the power and rest of Christ is through repentance. The Holy Spirit is grieved at those who never enter into the Joy of Jesus through repentance. The devil is after the fruitfulness and Christ likeness in our lives. The devil will send foxes to hinder our fruitfulness. Jesus will come and call us to rise up with Him and He will battle for us and go after these foxes. We must be fully convinced of the love of God and His desire to fight against our enemies and to keep us by His power. He will do battle with us and for us.

  • When the Glory of God Passes By

    Carter Conlon

    The most tragic of all things is to be unaware that the Glory Of God is passing us by. When the pursuit of the people of God does not differ from the pursuits of a perishing society around us God will withdraw His presence from us. When we are motivated by the desire to be glorified of men, and our focus is on titles, positions and prominence, we will create a man-made glory. Jesus speaks to these ministries and calls them an abomination and says that they will fall under a curse. There is a day coming when the true church of Jesus Christ will stand up against these false prophets. God will rise up and deliver His people. God will reveal Himself to those who are grieved at what is being done to the name of Jesus and grieved at the way society is living without God. These Christians are not spiritual giants; they simply love Jesus and have a passionate desire for Him to be glorified in these last days.

  • Dangerous Prayers

    Neil Rhodes

    When we cry out to God to rise up and scatter our enemies this can be a dangerous prayer. If we want the presence of God, and ask Him to advance against our enemies, God will begin to reveal the enemies that are still resident in our hearts. We must allow the Holy Spirit to deal with the issues that keep His presence away from us. God is Holy and He can only dwell with clean hands and a pure heart.

  • Passing Through the Gates of Betrayal

    Carter Conlon

    Every child of God will have to endure trials of suffering and betrayal if they will be mightily used by God. God will allow us to experience these afflictions and use them as a doorway into fellowship with Him so that we are conformable to the death of Jesus Christ. When we are betrayed it is a pain like no other. The devil will do his best to keep us behind the gates of betrayal so that we keep a distance from people and vow never to trust again. We know we are passing through these gates when we choose to forgive and begin to have a strong desire to be reconciled with our betrayer. We will come to a place of understanding that God has been in control all along and the life of Christ that is imparted into us through this experience will become provision for someone else.

  • When God Sets His Heart on You

    David Wilkerson

    God still has His heart set on saving this world. He loves mankind, and He is still moving by His Holy Spirit. God's heart is set on His church, in spite if all the apostasy and false teachers, He will not allow the Cross of Jesus Christ to be in vain. The Lord is calling us to complete confidence in the remission of sins. God's plan for us is not to walk in guilt and condemnation, He is calling us to enjoy Jesus and trust in the Power of the Blood of Jesus. When we embrace this we will come into truly find rest in Jesus.

  • The Joy of Preaching Your Own Funeral

    Carter Conlon

    Before we surrendered our lives to Christ we were dead in our sin. The only way to be free from this sin is to die to our old way of living. Jesus Christ died for us and when we came to Christ we were baptized in this death. The Bible says, "He that is dead in Christ is free from the dominion of sin." The evidence of this death is that we are not controlled by sin any longer. It doesn't mean we don't have struggles or failures, it means that these things no longer govern our lives. From the time we are born again our whole life is about the funeral of our old nature and the birth of the new man that God is making us to be. The true Christian spends their whole life preaching their own funeral.