If It Be Thou, Bid Me Come
If It Be Thou, Bid Me Come
If we deal casually with the Word of God we will have no ability to see Christ in the coming storm. We will not make it to the other side in our own strength. As Christians our strength comes from being nourished and sustained by the Word of God. Don't live as a casual Christian on the surface of the Bible. Immerse yourself into the ocean of truth in God's Word and He will give you the ability to pull this generation out of the storms of life. This message provokes us to reach out our hand and grab the baton of truth so we can pass it on to the next generation. The call of God will never take you where the Hands of God will not sustain us. Our cry must be like Peter's cry, “Lord if it be thou then bid me to come.” Are you determined to run this race right and finish it to the Glory of God?
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