

  • Overcoming the Fear of Sharing Christ

    Neil Rhodes

    The inability to share Christ is rooted in a lack of love for people and unbelief. So many are fearful to share Christ because they don't believe that Jesus will miraculously come through. The Lord will keep us held in a difficult situation until He puts a boldness in our heart through a difficult trial. What God says - He will do. This truth has to be worked into the fiber and fabric of our being.

  • Panic in Hell

    Teresa Conlon

    When Jesus died and descended into hell taking captivity captive, He unlocked every prison door. There is a church that will arise in power and strength and those with a withered right hand will be healed. This church whose right hand has been restored will know how to do spiritual battle and this will cause all of hell to panic.

  • When Darkness Fails to Comprehend the Light

    Carter Conlon

    When we choose to follow Jesus there has to be a complete upheaval of a former inner value system. So many today are following the wrong Jesus. Many don’t want to follow a Christ that uses His resources and power to help others. Many want the power of Christ but not the path of Christ. Following Jesus will lead us down a road of self sacrifice. It is at this crossroad where many turn away from following the Jesus of the Bible.

  • When Jesus Retells Your Story

    Gary Wilkerson

    Early in our childhood we begin to form a picture of what we hope our future will look like. Often, as we age, our reality doesn’t match our desires. We risk disappointment, discouragement and a down-cast heart. Then Jesus comes just as he walked alongside those on the road to Emmaus. He reveals to us not only our brokenness but he also tells us his story for our life which is always greater than our own.