

  • Why Should I Turn from Sin?

    Carter Conlon

    Salvation is not just forgiveness; it’s a way out of sin. Sin is a complete loss of the heart of God given to us freely through Jesus Christ. Undealt with sin turns life into death and turns our life into something so much other than what God planned for us. Sin knows no boundaries and drives us farther and harder than where we want to go. How do we turn from sin? We turn from sin when we return to Christ and allow a living, loving God to envelope us and break the power of sin in our lives. In Christ the deepest longings of our heart are satisfied. God is calling you to come home to Him!

  • Starving the Work of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a time in history where there is intensified pain. Most of this pain comes from family issues, broken marriages, the heart break of a wayward child, and betrayals. There is a pathway of pain that God will allow us to go through so that we might be used to bring provision and life to others. If we are to represent Christ in our generation there will be an incredible personal cost. The key through this pain is forgiveness. When we withhold forgiveness from those who have hurt us we begin to starve the work of Christ. The same people who betrayed us will come back to us one day empty hurt and starving. Will you choose to forgive them and allow them to experience the mercy of God?

  • A Charismatic Reformation: Missing and Twisting the Moving of the Holy Spirit

    Gary Wilkerson

    The Holy Spirit has always existed — even at the foundations of the world “the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). There are many examples in Biblical history of God pouring out His Spirit, but mankind either misses it, or in their carnal nature twists it to fulfill their own selfish desires. Even today the church continues to miss and twist the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit. We do what we want and call it the Spirit. We manipulate the Spirit to make ourselves what we want to be rather than what God wants us to be. Yet we are called to “contend for the faith” (Jude 1:3) — mortifying our flesh and checking our own hearts to make sure we are not missing or twisting God’s Word to fulfill our own selfish desires.

  • The Wayward Church Will Soon Be Ashamed

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a generation where a large portion of the church has a limited vision of God because it is being drawn to images of fallen man. These men misuse the anointing and begin to worship the creature rather than the Creator, and because of this they have lost the call of God. God says in His Word these houses of worship have become brothels in His eyes. How does God respond to this wayward church? God is love, and God will be faithful to cause them to see their condition and be ashamed. In the midst of His judgments He will remember His promises to them through His Holy Spirit and cause them to rise up and obey Him one more time. It is the mercy of God that will gather this wayward church in these last days. He will do this for His namesake!

  • The Gospel – Four Implications of the Trinity

    Gary Wilkerson

    The Trinity is more than theology — it is core to our faith. Four implications of the Trinity: 1) At the heart of the Trinity is relationship. As beings created in God’s image we are created to be relational. 2) If you don’t adhere to a Trinitarian doctrine then you must discard one or more of its constituents. Who do you get rid of — the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? 3) Through the Trinity God opens himself up to us, pulling back the curtain to show us true intimacy, love and community. 4) Through the Trinity we delight so much in our intimacy with God that we can’t help but share it with others who are far from God.

  • Fully Persuaded


    David Wilkerson

    It is so important for Christians to be fully persuaded of what they believe. We must be fixed on the fact that nothing can separate us from the love of God, and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to rise up and pray in the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth. He makes the truth of God's Word go from our head into our heart. Through the fires and through the floods God's people will stand in the Grace of God.

  • Ephesians - Part 10: Standing Against the Schemes of the Evil One

    Gary Wilkerson

    You’re in a war whether you like it or not. Satan comes to attack the people of God but God has given His children His armor. The armor needed to fight off the enemy if we are willing to put it on. When Satan comes against us, our response is to put on God, put on His armor and stand. The enemy then has no place in you, no authority over you, and no right to take you down any longer. One day our enemy will be totally destroyed.