

  • Garments of Praise

    Ben Crandall

    The answer to weariness and discouragement is a spirit of praise. Praise is important and it lifts our faith to a level where God becomes bigger than our problems. Praise is vital to the Christian. We have to learn to be clothed with the praises of God and live a life that is identified as pure worship to God. Everyone that has put their faith in Jesus has a reason to praise Him. Give Satan back his rags of heaviness and put on the garment of praise.

  • Ephesians - Part 9: Men, Women, Submission, and Love

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 5:21–33 – In the beginning God created man and woman with a Trinitarian-type relationship of love and submission — a relationship with distinct roles and clear authority — but through the fall these roles were cursed. Genesis 3:16 says of the woman, “Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” The word “desire” here is teshuqual, meaning desire to conquer or to come after and take the place. The word “rule” is mashal which implies a monarch or dictator ruling with absolute and uncaring authority. Through the redemption of the cross the relationship between husband and wife has been restored to one in which man and woman delight and have dignity in the roles God has given them.

  • Finding Life Beyond the Grave

    Carter Conlon

    There are a lot of people who want to hear the truth about Jesus but they don't want to embrace that truth. God offers a personal relationship to all who desire Him with a sincere heart. When you come with a sincere heart the first thing you will see is His mercy. As you behold the mercy of God and the promises of God you will be changed into a new person. God longs to give you something deeper than a casual relationship. He longs to give you something deeper than just knowing some facts about Him. Have the courage to go deeper and come home to God today!

  • Another Jesus, Another Gospel

    Gary Wilkerson

    Through life experiences, false teachings, and the Evil One many of us develop a falsely constructed image of Christ — one that depicts Him as hard, distant, weak, etc. We cannot know what wrong ideas we have about Jesus without knowing the real Jesus. And the only way to know the real Jesus is through the Word of God; that is, the full counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation.

  • Baptism of Fire

    William Carrol

    Jesus Christ allowed Himself to be engulfed and consumed in the fires of this life and suffered for the sake of saving souls. He allowed Himself to be baptized with a godly zeal because He was determined to help mankind. Are we willing to meet Jesus in the fire and allow the same zeal for His house to consume us for the sake of the lost? God is concerned with drawing men and women out of the fire and He invites us to join Him.

  • A Journey to Joy

    Neil Rhodes

    God never forces us to do anything. He gently leads us and gives us the choice to say yes or no to His will. We are all on a journey and often times this journey is not without difficult days and wilderness experiences. There is another traveler on this journey with us, it is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has the goods of God and supplies what we need to get us through the winding roads. The Holy Spirit will lift our hearts and cause us to focus on Christ, His love and His faithfulness. Staying on course with God and making right choices are where true joy is found.

  • How Rich Will You Be When You Die?

    Teresa Conlon

    When we come to the end of our life would we have given our heavenly Father joy because we received the gift of His Son and then passed it on to others? Do we recognize that the Fathers greatest joy is to give us the life of His Son so that we can be given for others. God's life is transferred to us through Jesus Christ's death on the Cross. Because of the Cross we are given new life and new hope for all of eternity. God is calling us to reign with Him and to bring His joy to others.

  • Surviving the Family Reunion

    Carter Conlon

    How can people go to church for years and experience the presence of God only to remain in a state where their sin isn't covered? These are Christians who focus on material provision for the satisfying of their own desires. They are masters of their own destiny, choosing their own course, thus becoming their own god. Embracing the truth is about eternity and when we don't embrace truth we become imposters in the house of God. The imposter will create his own covering and create his own righteousness. The Holy Spirit is calling His church out of the sin of compromise and to come under the covering of the blood of Jesus. God is calling you out today to cover you and to take away your shame. Don't hide from His love!

  • For God So Loved the World

    Carter Conlon

    The highest form of love that God could ever express is found in Jesus Christ. There is a day coming when everyone will stand face to face with Jesus. The Bible says every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Many will look for an opportunity to be saved, only to find it is too late. That is why Hell will be so tormenting. Many who refuse Christ now will come face to face with Jesus later only to find their opportunity for has passed them by! We are living in an amazing day of grace and the greatest news you can hear is that you can reach out and touch God for yourself. The condemned, cast out and defiled can press through and touch Christ. We live on the threshold of eternity every day. Bend your knee NOW. Confess Jesus as Lord NOW! Tomorrow is not promised to us.