

  • Prophetic Prayers for Your Family


    Carter Conlon

    Are you speaking into your family members’ lives? Are you recognizing God’s calling for them, even when they can’t see it for themselves? Carter Conlon looks to the book of Esther to demonstrate that one person who sees the God-given potential may be all it takes to transform a life.

  • Magicians in the Church


    Tim Dilena

    The New Testament book of Acts tells the story of a magician named Simon. When Simon saw the apostles preaching and praying in his city, his first response was to try to buy the power of God with money. In this sermon, Tim Dilena looks at the gifts we can only receive by spending times in the presence of God.

  • Righteous Prosperity


    Gary Wilkerson

    One of the most important things that a Christian can do is to really dig into God’s word. Studying scripture deeply can give us a better understanding of God’s promises. One commonly misunderstood concept in scripture is prosperity. We often think of prosperity in earthly terms—possessions, achievements, and a comfortable life. In reality, difficult times can be a blessing, and true prosperity only comes from God.

  • Is There Any Hope for America?

    Gary Wilkerson

    Isaiah and Jesus both spoke of destruction coming upon God’s people, but the people of their times didn’t believe them. Pastor Gary Wilkerson believes that the pride of prosperity, a party spirit and perversion have brought America to a place of God’s impending judgment. In a culture that seems to be spiraling into wickedness, is there hope for America?

  • We Are Not of the Night

    Joshua West

    Do you want to be used by God? If the answer is yes, you must give up seeking others' approval. This week, Joshua West talks about how God calls us out of darkness, and that means we give up all of the world's standards of success. In Christ's upside down kingdom, we will be most powerful when our pride is broken and more than conquerers when we are in complete submission to our Savior.

  • The Church Is Going to Babylon


    Tim Dilena

    The church is being called to Babylon—a God moment. A refining of his people to reveal courage and holiness. When the people of God stand up for what is right, God shows up and people repent. Tim Dilena shares a powerful message on God's plan to take his church through the furnace for a last-day revelation.