

  • Sacrificing Laughter on the Altar of Worship

    William Carrol

    The Lord loves a cheerful giver. If we are able to sacrifice at all it is because the Lord has provided us the capacity to do so. He gives us the capacity to cheerfully give up those things that we thought were bringing us cheer. The Lord will give us both the willingness and the ability; it is God who is working in us both to will and to do.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Increasingly Radical

    Francis Chan

    As is the American way, we tend to become less adventurous as we get older. We have it backwards. Each day, the life of God in us should become more and more of a reality. As we grow in our intimacy and maturity with Him, our lives should become increasingly radical. If we settle for comfort and safety, we won't grow in our dependence on Christ. He promises to be with us as we go out and make disciples—facing the rejection, fear and self-doubt that come with reaching out beyond our capabilities.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Faithfulness of God

    Francis Chan

    A lifetime of lies, betrayal and abuse teach us of the unfaithfulness of people and even ourselves. We tend to place these attributes on God, but God has promised us He will be unfailingly faithful. He wants to heal us and build our relationship with Him based on His character. As this character is formed in us we become more Christ-like. His nature formed in us will embolden us to reach out to those hurting, addicted and lost — causing us to not be men and women with positions and titles, but with the character of Jesus.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Missing Ingredient

    Jim Cymbala

    In spite of discouragement, our downtrodden feelings and the affects of ministry, we are called to bare fruit. Fruit does not come when we stand compassionless to the needs of others. The gospel is good news that proclaims the love of God for the world; and to preach it effectively we must have the same love that God has for the world.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Glory of God in His Church

    Gary Wilkerson

    What happens when God's glory is manifest? God's people will cling to Him and the work that He is doing. We will be "utterly astounded"—His presence is indescribable. There will be an anticipation and expectation for the things of God. There will be unity, not division and competition. God's glory is not reserved for pastors or super Christians. It's not a fading glory, like the Old Testament, but an increasing everlasting glory available to all of us.

  • Come Boldly

    Gary Wilkerson

    Today, if you need something from God, let's come with boldly to Jesus. Even when we are not worthy, Christ is our righteousness and we have confidence to pray.

  • The One New Man - Part 1

    David Davis

    Guest speaker David Davis from Carmel Assembly in Haifa, Israel shares with us about God's desire to see His people united in Christ, both Jew + gentile. In America, we hear so much about the bad news in the Middle East, but Pastor David assures the church that God is on the move in the Middle East.

  • The One New Man - Part 2

    David Davis

    Guest speaker David Davis from Carmel Assembly in Haifa, Israel shares with us about God's desire to see His people united in Christ, both Jew + gentile. In America, we hear so much about the bad news in the Middle East, but Pastor David assures the church that God is on the move in the Middle East.