

  • The Danger of a Good Sermon

    William Carrol

    There are times when God is doing something different. Instead of preparing a wonderful sermon, He prepares a trial in life and sometimes it’s the trials in life that cause us to buckle down and to remember who we are. Sometimes it is not enough to wait until somebody preaches a message. Moses had a wonderful three point message, but God came with a one point message: “Get up and go!”

  • A Disciple Named...

    Gary Wilkerson

    We see in the early chapters of Acts that a lot of the ministry was done by the apostles—preaching, healing, etc. In later chapters the work of the Holy Spirit gets scattered. The glory and power of God were being released in and through all of God's people—not just the apostles. The church today seems to have returned to an early Acts church, but God is calling us to be the church scattered. We are all called and equipped to do the work of God.

  • Why We Can't Afford to Be Normal

    Gary Wilkerson

    Today's "normal" American Christianity has become prayerless, passionless, powerless, cross-less and therefore Christ-less. We want to hear about the gospel, but we don't want to live it. If we are not also doers of the Word, we will not be able to withstand the perilous times that are ahead for our country. The church cannot shrink back. It needs to return to what it was in the New Testament. Yes, we will have to face persecution, but we will see the power of Christ released through our lives.

  • Show Us Your Glory

    Gary Wilkerson

    In this sermon, Gary Wilkerson uses the story from Acts 3 about Peter and John healing a lame man to illustrate the glory of God. He emphasizes that God's glory is not just for special occasions but can be experienced daily by all Christians. He encourages the church to cling to God, seek His presence, and allow His glory to transform their lives. He also highlights the importance of unity in the church, stating that God's glory is more evident when believers come together in love and agreement.

  • Have Faith in God

    Carter Conlon

    The whole nature of man is changed by the presence of God. Your whole being, your whole inability to walk, to see, to think, to talk and to do. Everything the devil made you is cancelled at Calvary. You are going to have something to bring to this generation. Have faith in God!

  • An Incredible Neglected Treasure

    Carter Conlon

    We live in a time when many people are sinking in despair—marriages falling apart, financial hardships, addiction, etc. They feel alone in their struggle, and even those closest to them seem of no help. It's time for God's people to get their eyes off themselves, follow God's calling and help those that are crying out for help.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Power of the Gospel

    Jim Cymbala

    Pastor Jim Cymbala challenges pastors to simplify their message. The good news of salvation through Jesus Christ is all we need. We don't need to add stuff to it. We don't need to get diverted into extra-biblical topics or legalism. If it isn't in the New Testament, don't preach it. Don't mix the old covenant in with the new and better covenant. Sometimes the hardest part of rightly dividing the word of God is the Old and New Testament.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Protecting Expect

    Claude Houde

    When we experience a spiritual high and have to come down off the mountain top, we can end up in a valley. In order to protect that, we have to be drawing away into the secret place of prayer and reading God's word. The enemy is like a fowler that sets traps to ensnare us. These can be outright satanic attacks, sudden events, silent attacks in our minds or subtle attacks that become bigger. The only way to be safe from the snares of the enemy is to take refuge in the Lord. When we continually take refuge, we become a refuge for others, showing them God's mercy.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Why I'm Going to Keep on Praying

    Carter Conlon

    Pastor Carter Conlon shares his personal journey and initial struggles with prayer. He has seen prayer work in his own life and ministry, and encourages church leaders to keep praying. Three unskilled people in a room praying, "Jesus help us!" broke a 100-year stronghold and birthed a church that is still going today. Prayer works and is going to be necessary in the coming days. There is a Goliath spirit that is warring against God and taunting His people. Will God find a people, like David, that will fight and trust God for the deliverance?