

  • The Sudden Appearing of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    What is it like when the Lord visits His People? This sudden appearing will come as a strong inner voice of conviction. When the Holy Spirit comes we become aware of the ungodliness of our speech. The closer we get to the presence of Christ the more undone we feel and we are made aware of the grace and mercy that continually covers us. This visitation comes to gives us a heart for the poor and when the Spirit of God is flowing through us spiritual poverty is broken. Christ inside of us will heal us and give us fresh vision of the future. 

  • Ephesians - Part 3: Christus Redemptor

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 2:1–10 – As Christians many of us believe that we were mostly dead before we got saved. We believe that when Jesus came into our life he encouraged us a little bit and made us feel better, but the truth is we were completely dead in our sin. We were in total depravity, with stony hearts, incapable of hearing or responding to God, deserving of His wrath. But God in his mercy and love sent Christ to be our redeemer. Through Christ the dead are made alive and our stony hearts are made flesh. Our salvation and faith are not of our own doing, but a gift from God. We tend suppress these truths in one of two ways. Either we don’t acknowledge how completely lost we were before Christ, or we don’t fully understand that the imputed righteousness of Christ has totally set us free from death.

  • The Mercy of God

    Carter Conlon

    If everyone truly understood God's mercy there would be a continual praise in all the earth. God's mercy reaches out to the hungry, thirsty, lonely longing soul. His mercy reaches out to the fool that says in his heart there is no God. His mercy rescues those who think commerce and money satisfy the deepest longings of their souls. When God's people fully understand the tender mercies of God we will begin to cry, "God before your judgment comes let your mercy be known again!" God is stirring His church to stand between the living and the dead, and ask God to one more time to honor His name and save the lost. 

  • Mercy Begins in the House of God

    William Carrol

    If we as Christian people are going to pray for mercy in our generation we must first be recipients of God's mercy. The more convinced we are of God's mercy the more we can pray with conviction. God's covenant mercy manifests itself in the salvation of our souls. When we embrace this wonderful salvation we can begin to pray, "God show the world your saving power, your covenant of mercy and your powerful protection." When God chooses to be merciful to a generation the devil is powerless and people are saved!

  • The Wise Man's Eyes

    Carter Conlon

    The fool says in his heart there is not an absolute sovereign God, and God does not have the right to govern our lives. The fool cannot see the work of God or the value of a soul. We can have all wisdom and knowledge and still reject the truth of God's Word. The wise man however, sees God above all that exists and allows His Word to begin to shape and mold the very fibers of our being. The wise man acknowledges that God chose us to display His justice and mercy in the earth so that the destitute would come to know there is a God who loves them. God's work in the earth is ALL ABOUT PEOPLE.

  • The Final Word Before The Lord Returns

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a time where many are professing a pursuit of God but in reality they are rejecting Him. Half hearted sacrifice will always produce a spiritual dullness. If we bring God a blind sacrifice we will be blinded. Before the Lord comes back He will send a word to us that will turn the people's focus from a self focus to a focus that is fixed on Jesus Christ. God will raise up a voice in this generation to clean things up. God is calling His church to bring the totality of our lives to Him for the betterment of humanity. Will you give all for the sake of this generation?

  • What it Means to Live by One’s Faith


    David Wilkerson

    If God decides to chasten a nation because of their sins how should the church respond? We have to have a proper Holy Ghost view and not respond with or own zeal. The church must begin to plead to God to obtain mercy and grace. God judges sin in mercy and in His loving kindness will send forth His Spirit to renew the face of the earth. In these times of calamity, we as Christians must settle the issue, God is at work! The church of Jesus Christ shall prevail.

  • Ephesians - Part 1: Sovereign Grace

    Gary Wilkerson

    Ephesians 1:1-14 – Paul describes dramatic life altering realities. He does not argue dry doctrine or have unnecessary theological debates but simply tells his experience of being captured by God’s amazing grace.

  • God’s Purpose For Mercy

    Teresa Conlon

    If God chooses to be merciful to a people it is for an intended purpose. When we begin to live in compromise and unbelief we will end up dry, hopeless and cut off from the power of God. When God chooses to be merciful He will visit those in a valley of hopelessness, stripped of power and seemingly dead, and cause breath to enter them and they will rise an exceedingly great army. The logical end of mercy is a people standing and living for the glory of God. Mercy can and will begin to rewrite our life!