

  • When Deliverance Looks Like Old Rotten Rags

    Carter Conlon

    Have you ever been in a situation that was so perplexing where you knew that God was able to deliver you but nothing happened? When we lose sight of the promises of God we can't see our way out of spiritual depression. There is a deep compassion that is worked in us when we experience the valley of the shadow of death. Until we suffer we can't hear the cry of the suffering. We need the old time compassion of Christ and the old time burden for the lost. If we begin to thank God in the midst of our struggle Jesus Christ will be glorified.

  • When God Comes Down


    David Wilkerson

    God is calling the people in the body of Christ to stir themselves up for the latter rain. When we choose to do this and wait on the Lord, the Holy Spirit will bring our focus back to Jesus and winning lost souls. In this powerful sermon, David Wilkerson communicates there are three pieces of evidence when the Holy Spirit comes down. 

  • Taking up the Robe of Unity

    Neil Rhodes

    God's heart has always been for unity. We must be one with Him and one with each other. Unity is a choice, not a feeling. When your feelings are disrupted in that moment we can choose unity. There is an incredible power when we choose to dwell in unity. If you want God's commanded blessing choose to take up the robe of unity!

  • Getting Ready for the End of All Things


    David Wilkerson

    God is calling us to believe for and end time outpouring of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit cannot move in a church where there are people who hold grudges because of unforgiveness. We are not only called to forgive, we are called to cover the sins of others by not broadcasting the hurt that was done to us. God says the latter glory will be greater than the former Glory. Are you ready for the rain to start?

  • A Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit


    David Wilkerson

    This message stands on the prophecy of the prophet Malachi that God is going to restore to us faith for healing. There will be suffering, but we have God's Word that tells us that though the mountains fall into the sea and the economy shakes and falls for those who fear the Lord, the Son of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. In the darkest hour when it looks hopeless and everything is gloom and doom, the Sun will shine and we will have the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ and His keeping power. In these last days, there will be a Holy Ghost Joy to manifest the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. We must begin to make a joyful shout to the Lord and begin to praise Him.

  • The Ever-Increasing Demands of Faith

    David Wilkerson

    What is it about faith that keeps demanding greater testing? Those closest to the heart of Jesus will be tested. Faith must go beyond believing for the provision of God, faith must reach the very heart of God and his purposes. Our present battles are not about testing or chastening, it is what God is doing in our hearts to prepare us for eternity! We will rule and reign with Christ and in the ages to come we will show forth his glory. God has a larger purpose than just this world.

  • Faith That Heals

    William Carrol

    Faith follows Jesus beyond our own plans and desires to go into the vortex of His sufferings and into the reality of the Cross. If we are to know Jesus it will be through the fellowship of His sufferings and living in the power of His resurrection. Faith gets close enough to Jesus so we can hear Him call us His child. As we draw near to Jesus we will be healed in His presence so that we will bear witness of His Cross.

  • The Supernatural Hand of Mercy

    Carter Conlon

    We must not set our hand to bring about our own justice. God will stop us when we are going down the road of bitterness and unforgiveness. When He leads us in the direction to love our enemies, He will provide what we need to do it. God will simply put His hand of supernatural mercy in our hand and He will give us the power and love to wash the feet of our enemies. The Lord will fight our battles and bring about justice for us, but will He find a willing heart to be merciful to our betrayers?

  • Dwelling Among the Tombs

    Neil Rhodes

    There is not one situation that is too hard for God. When we recognize the deep pit that sin has caused us to fall into, the hand of Jesus will reach down and lift us out of the devil's grip. There is no pit so deep that Jesus can't reach. All you need to do is to receive Him in your heart and you will be led into the supernatural of Christ.

  • Jesus' Last Monday and Tuesday

    Ben Crandall

    It is so important to make up your mind to seek God with all of your heart. A half-hearted Christian cannot follow Jesus. Jesus wants to put mountain-moving faith in us. He wants us to pray prayers that are one with His heart and mind. He wants us to forgive everyone that has harmed us. It takes great faith to forgive those who wronged us and Jesus will supernaturally impart this to us when we have a willing heart!