

  • The Corinthian Problem: The Broken Body of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    Brokenness is trading in something old and receiving something new. When we allow God to break us our lives become a demonstration of His heart. We are to reflect a new value system which is the giving of ourselves in the same way that Christ gave for us. The central core of Christ is that He came to the world not to do His own will but to do the will of the Father. The will of the Father is that none would perish. The cry of your heart in these last days should be LORD BREAK ME!

  • Walking with the Champion

    Neil Rhodes

    Many people come to Jesus for what they can get from Him. They want to be set free from bondage but they don’t want to surrender all to Him. For those of us who have purposed in our heart to go all the way with Jesus there will come a time when we will have to make a choice to break away from the half-hearted crowd and move forward in Christ. Will you choose to go all the way and walk with the champion?

  • The Corinthian Problem: Judging Angels

    Carter Conlon

    Are you seeking the life and the blessing of God? The blessing is not something to be consumed among ourselves. Our life is to be an extension of the love and mercy of God and to give of ourselves unselfishly. When we choose to go this way with God we will be lead on a journey into hard places. In these hard places God will visit us. We will find wisdom and compassion for every dreadful place God allows us to go through. Heaven will open to the person who is willing to be poured out for the good and betterment of others.

  • The Son of Man

    William Carrol

    When we get a glimpse of the Son of Man we will see the heart of God bowed down to reach the needs of humankind. Jesus reveals to us what God looks like and shows us what it means to be in covenant relationship with Him. We will see the Son of Man bowed down in humility as a servant. The Son of Man comes in power and confrontation to release the bonds of those who are afflicted. The Son of Man lays His life down and becomes our righteousness to cover our sin. Do you know Jesus as the Son of Man and will you follow Him?

  • The Corinthian Problem: When God Is Exalted in Judgment

    Carter Conlon

    God says if you don’t exalt Him, He will exalt Himself. If we judge ourselves by measuring ourselves by the standard of Christ and aligning our heart with the Word of God we will not be judged. God in His mercy will take us by the hand and lead us outside of the mindset of selfishness and self consumption. God is calling us to escape to the mountain of Calvary where self dies, and we move out of the realm of "self" and a "me first" mindset to the giving of ourselves for the Glory of God. God desires to baptize us with His compassion to put others first. Do you want your heart marked with the compassion of Jesus Christ?

  • Moving Your Mountain

    David Wilkerson

    The mountain we must move is unbelief. Unbelief grieves the heart of God and causes Him pain. God does not wink at unbelief. There is a series of agonies we will go through that leads to a place where we pray the ultimate prayer. The place is Gethsemane. After fasting, prayer and weeping we will cry just as Jesus cried, "Not my will but thy will be done." The victory comes when we are absolutely convinced of the love of God.

  • Sposta la tua montagna

    David Wilkerson

    La montagna che dobbiamo spostare l'incredulit; questa affligge il cuore di Dio e Gli causa sofferenza. Dio non fa l'occhiolino all'incredulit; c' una serie di angosce che dobbiamo attraversare e che ci conducono nel luogo dove faremo la preghiera suprema; quel luogo il Getsemani. Dopo aver digiunato, pregato e pianto, grideremo come fece Ges: "Non la mia volont sia fatta ma la Tua". La vittoria arriva quando siamo assolutamente persuasi dell'amore di Dio.

  • How Trust Can Change Your Life

    Gary Wilkerson

    There is a difference between faith in God and our beliefs. If we question a certain belief, we often think our faith is wavering. In actuality, our faith is about trusting God in all situations and not about our questions or feelings. It isn’t our struggles that dictate faith, but it is our actions that show faith. Our faithfulness to God shows our faith in Him.

  • Come la fede può cambiare la tua vita

    Gary Wilkerson

    C'è una differenza fra la fede in Dio e quello in cui crediamo. Quando ubitiamo di qualcosa, spesso pensiamo che la nostra fede stia vacillando. In realtà, la nostra fede si basa sull'avere fiducia in Dio in qualsiasi situazione e non sulle nostre domande ed i nostri sentimenti. La fede è dimostrata dalle nostre azioni non dalla fatica che proviamo. La nostra fedeltà a Dio dimostra la nostra fede in Lui.