

  • The Great Temptation

    William Carrol

    The greatest temptation in our generation is prosperity because under the circumstances of prosperity we forget the Lord. Prosperity tends to lead us into thinking we can walk in our own strength. We must humble ourselves in the prayer closet and begin to commune with God. When we put Christ in the right place we can endure every temptation and trial.

  • Déplacez vos montagnes

    David Wilkerson

    La montagne que vous devez déplacer c'est l'incrédulité. L'incrédulité attriste le cœur de Dieu et lui fait mal. Dieu n'approuve pas l'incrédulité. Il y a de ces souffrances au travers desquelles nous passons, et qui nous conduisent dans un lieu où nous sommes amenés à prononcer l'ultime prière, la prière du désespoir. Ce lieu s'appelle Gethsémané. Après avoir jeûné, prié et pleuré, nous nous écrierons comme Jésus l'a fait : « Non pas ma volonté, mais la tienne ». La victoire est acquise lorsque nous sommes profondément convaincus de l'amour de Dieu.

  • The Window of Faith


    David Wilkerson

    The window of faith is not an opportune time but an inopportune time when everything looks hopeless. God allows death to roll over our promises and we stop telling God how to fix our problems. God is searching for a people who will fully trust Him when all hope and human possibility is gone. In these last days God is going to have a wholly dependent people who don't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

  • Life and Death Before You: Choose Life

    Ben Crandall

    Because of the sin of Adam the entire human race has fallen into sin and death. Life is filled with sorrow and tears. All of us will face death. In this world filled with sin, death and sorrow comes a life-giver. Jesus Christ steps on to the scene and brings an incredible message of life so He can save us. There is no death in Christ. He is the resurrection and He is life. Jesus is the life-giver who was sent into this world of death and sin to die on a cross and bear our sins so we can receive the free gift of eternal life!

  • The Corinthian Problem: My Preaching Is Good for Nothing

    Carter Conlon

    The only requirement for God to use us mightily is to get us to understand and admit that we are nothing. God didn’t choose us because we were strong and wise. He chose the foolish and weak things to confound the wise. God doesn’t need anything to make something. He is a God who makes something out of nothing. God needs nothing to work with. Too many in the church today are not willing to admit that we are nothing, and so we are hindering God from working in us and through us. If you know you are nothing and you understand your need for God, this preaching is for Good for Nothing (You)!

  • The Corinthian Problem: The Tabernacle of David

    Carter Conlon

    God will raise up the tabernacle David again. This consists of men and women who seek God in the manner that He deserves. These are people who willingly offer themselves entirely to the Lord and expect nothing back but His presence. God dwells with ordinary people who concern themselves with the depth of the need and give all they have for the cause of Christ. The Tabernacle of David is a people who posses the heart of God and then take His heart to a fallen humanity.

  • The Yes Trap

    Teresa Conlon

    Yes is such a powerful word. There are two types of yes. The first is an automatic yes; this is a person who says a quick yes to God and does not back up their words with obedience. This automatic yes says I will do but never does and says I will go but never goes. The second yes says I will go and goes where God is directing them and begins to do what God is calling them to do. In these last days we should be found in the Father's vineyard laboring and scattering the seed of His Word so that the entire world will know that Jesus Christ is alive. The blessings to the nations are found in an obedient yes. Will you say yes with your mouth and obey with your feet?

  • The Community of the Cross

    William Carrol

    There is a real war going on and many of us are feeling the affects of it. In order for us to get on the victory side of this war we must accept Jesus' invitation to share a personal relationship with Him. When we receive this offer we are on the side where we can take the victory. In the presence of our enemies and in the midst of our struggles God will prepare a table for us. This is the communion table where, because of His shed blood, He has provided all the nutrients and strength for us. We need to see this in the dark times.

  • The Corinthian Problem: Grinding in the Prison House

    Carter Conlon

    Satan's plan for every true believer in Christ is to take away our spiritual vision and move us into a profitless labor where there is no outflow of the supernatural life. If our separation to God for the purpose of freeing others from oppression is willfully and unwittingly forfeited then we will become weak in the hands of the enemy. We are called to be separated unto God and empowered by the Spirit of God for the sake of every lost soul. If we would know the Lord's strength we must give Him our all and embrace His plan for our life.

  • Victory Over Temptation

    William Carrol

    The enemy of our souls would have us believe that the deck is stacked against us in this society. We are expected to believe that we are overwhelmed by the philosophy of this age. However, Jesus, in teaching us how to address God, also exposed us to the blessings and benefits that He won for us on Calvary. In Him, we realize that everything that we need to overcome temptation is found in our communion with God.