

  • Don't Let Discouragement Take Your Strength


    Carter Conlon

    Discouragement can be debilitating. We can get so despondent that we will begin to doubt the existence of God. God will allow seasons of discouragement when:

    • There is something hidden in our heart and He wants to get at it.
    • When we take that which belongs to the Lord and keep it for ourselves.
    • When we fail to realize there is a divine purpose even in the darkest of times.

    We must cry out to God and ask Him to take away the perception that coming to Christ is all about us. We are not called to live for ourselves. It is Christ is in us for the betterment of others. When we understand this truth God will transform the valley of trouble into a gateway of hope!

  • The Consolation and Comfort of David

    Teresa Conlon

    Before anyone ever knew us or saw our face, God knew us in the most intimate of ways. God sees everything in our life as it truly is, and yet He does not withdraw His hand from us. Even if we make our bed in hell He is there with us and does not despise our failures but desires to deliver us from every stronghold that has us gripped with darkness. We can close our eyes in our worst nightmare and we will still see His face. It does not matter how disappointed we feel about ourselves we cannot squander the revelation that God loves us. We must run to Jesus and revel in the fact that He will never leave us of forsake us.

  • Living! (Part 2) – Living For Each Other

    Gary Wilkerson

    We can be thankful no matter what circumstance we go through, and find joy no matter what we face. Most of us are trained to say to ourselves, “I can make it. I’m determined. All I need is Jesus.” In Philippians 4:13-14 Paul says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble.” There is a truth to Jesus being all we need, but sometimes God sends people to help us and meet our needs. It can be hard to say that we are in need of help. We must learn not only to be a servant, but also to receive the gift of service.

  • The Secret of Spiritual Power


    Carter Conlon

    The concept of being a servant is not highly esteemed today, as we live in an age where our theology in the church at large seems to have focused on personal gain and social gain, power, influence, authority and individual greatness. The Bible says that Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant and in doing this He teaches us that heaven's order is completely reversed from the world's order. Carter Conlon reminds us that serving Christ and then serving others unlocks power and revelation. You may feel trampled, pounded, unappreciated and passed by, but as a servant you have found the secret of spiritual strength! Take heed — the last will be first and the first will be last!

  • Faith For a New Thing

    Claude Houde

    God is always ready to give us faith for a new thing but are we ready — do we desire it? So many times we hold on to the things of old — the brokenness or blessing of yesterday — but God wants to speak a new thing. To man so much is impossible, but to God all things are possible. There are four convictions that need to take place in us for this faith:

    • Conviction with a calling — God is calling our name
    • Conviction with a commitment — God’s commitment to us
    • Conviction with a choice — What I do affects others
    • Conviction with a commission — We are called with our brothers and sisters for a purpose to make Him known

    However, a new thing will not take place until we allow the Spirit of God to confront the things that are in our life.

  • Faith For Difficult Times

    Neil Rhodes

    If faith is going to emerge in difficult days we will be invited by Jesus to follow Him into the supernatural. We might not always like these places but if we trust the leading of the Holy Spirit we will be led into situations that will increase our faith. We might not understand all that is going on but we can trust that God knows our future and He has everything under control. In these times we must stand in the presence of God until He gives us what we need for every situation.

  • Living! (Part 1) – Living Grace Fully

    Gary Wilkerson

    Philippi, unlike other cities of that time, didn’t have temples or cultic worship of gods, but instead had a culture of hero worship. It is into this culture of masculinity, dominance, and power that God called Paul — a small frail Jewish man with bad hearing. Amongst these war heroes God started the Philippian church using a woman, a teenage slave girl, and a suicidal jailer. It isn’t by man’s strength that God works, but by grace — a supernatural empowering of willing vessels. We are saints of Christ, called to speak grace into our own lives and the lives of others. Living a grace-filled life brings about the peace of God.

  • Raised from the Dead


    David Wilkerson

    Jesus is reaching out to those who are spiritually dead and offers them supernatural life through the power of the Holy Spirit. There is an emptiness that God has planted in the heart of man that eventually makes us miserable. God will move heaven and earth to save one soul. This life is made available through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God! This is all about getting a new life, not about religion. God's mercy reaches out to all those who are dead in their sin.