

  • There is a Samaritan Here For You

    Gary Wilkerson

    This message is for the people of God who love Him and serve Him and have been brought to a place where they need to be ministered to. When we become weary and broken down by the enemy, Jesus will become a GOOD SAMARITAN to us. Jesus wants to minister to you in your time of need. He knows how tired and wounded you are. He calls us to respond to Him. He has bandages for your wounds and oil to pour into us and heal us. He will minister His love to you.

  • Converting Sinners and Converting Christians

    Gary Wilkerson

    Sometimes its hard for Christians to lead non-Christians to Christ because they are so unlike Jesus. When Christians become religious they tend to follow a lot of rules and develop a head knowledge of God but their heart grows cold and indifferent. When we are intimate with Jesus the Love of Christ will flow through us and those who don't know Christ will be drawn to His presence and love. Jesus promises us an abundant life.

  • Astounding Peace and Miraculous Strength Will Be Given You

    Teresa Conlon

    There is a "Day of Visitation" coming to the church of Jesus Christ. In these last days, Jesus will call us to Himself and release us from our weaknesses. This visitation will strengthen the inner man and loose us from the grip of the enemy. This is not an exterior loosening but rather an interior freedom that will strengthen the spirit man. We will be given miraculous power to rise up from a crippled position to speak out against the powers of darkness. Jesus is saying if you can hear me calling you, this is your day of visitation.

  • The Peril of the Successful Church

    Carter Conlon

     The greatest peril we will ever face is the temptation to move from the supernatural to the natural. This happens when we forget our dependency on Jesus and become casual with His presence. When we become familiar with the presence of God we develop a "we don't need the Holy Spirit because we have everything all figured out" type attitude. When we do this, we are separating ourselves from the Spirit of God and we are operating with our natural senses. God's spirit will not strive with man and He will not share His glory with anyone. We must watch for and maintain a determination in our hearts that all that we do is for the glory of God and for the testimony of His power.

  • The Triumphant Christ

    David Wilkerson

     Have you embraced a complete revelation of the completed work of Jesus Christ? Understanding the we are safe, secure and forgiven because of the Blood of Jesus is not enough. We must see the risen, glorified Man in Heaven who finished the work and defeated every giant. Until we go beyond the cross and embrace the resurrection power of Jesus, and the glorious Triumph of Christ, we will never experience the joyous victory that is available to us in Christ.

  • The Gospel for Outcasts

    David Wilkerson

     This is a message for people who have fallen from grace into sin. You were in the fold of the shepherd at one time, loving Christ, and sin has cast you out of the Lord's presence. The Lord is relentless to seek us out until we are drawn back by His faithful love and mercy. The Shepherd will seek after you until you come to a complete repentance, and you are back in His loving arms. Jesus promises to restore all the years that the canker worm has eaten.

  • The God-Gripped Life

    Patrick Pierre

    We live in a society that has lost its morality; violent crimes are on the rise, and perversion is ruling the nation. It’s a time when psychology professors can walk into public schools and encourage young people 14 years and older to experience sex, drugs, and to explore their sexuality by engaging in homosexuality. In these dark days God is calling His church to pray for the salvation of this next generation. God will reveal His power and promises to us, and fill us with a militant faith to believe God for the impossible.

  • The Answer and the Solution

    Ben Crandall

     God is big enough to handle all of our problems. There is nothing too difficult for Him. God spoke the universe into existence and He is still speaking today. The God of creation is available to meet every one of our needs, from the biggest to the smallest. GOD IS THE ANSWER!!


  • God Shall Arise and Scatter Our Enemies

    David Wilkerson

    In these last days a battle cry is coming up from those who are in their prayer closet, praying through until we touch the heart of God. God will put a triumphant praise in our heart, and show us that the strongholds of satan are nothing but wax that will melt in the presence of Jesus Christ. We are called to a triumphant faith that shouts with joy, knowing that God will arise and declare to the devil, 'IT IS ENOUGH'. He will scatter our enemies.

  • Blessed are the Humble

    William Carrol

    When we allow God to humble our heart we are moved into a different dimension of life. Humility rests in the faithfulness of God. Humility allows our heart to trust in the promises of God and hope in His divine timing. Humility says God knows how to take care of me, and I can trust Him to bring about His promises in His timing.