Are You a Spark or a Torch?
Are You a Spark or a Torch?
Many of us live our Christian life spark to spark. Like Saul, we get momentary touches of God that wane. We enjoy the emotion and passion that is stirred up at conferences or church services, but we are unwilling to let Jesus change our life. Sparks can be good, but they are only meant to be the beginning. God wants to use them to produce a sustained and increasing fire of His presence in our heart.
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Everyone Who Wants To Can Shout "Glory!"
Everyone Who Wants To Can Shout "Glory!"
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Obtaining a Boast Worthy Testimony
Obtaining a Boast Worthy Testimony
We are living in a generation when lukewarm, mediocre faith will not do. God is looking for a people he can use to glorify His name. We can't live vicariously through the stories of others. God wants to give us our own story that we can share with others so that they are encouraged and stirred up with faith to believe God for their story. Don't shy away from your weakness. That is where God wants to show himself strong. God wants to turn your bemoaning into boasting—in Him and for His glory.
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Children Of Light In A Fading Society
Children Of Light In A Fading Society
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How to Do What You Cannot Do
How to Do What You Cannot Do
We all have things for which we hope. Some of those things we can accomplish ourselves, but others require a miraculous move of God. We can hope for things, but that does not mean they are a promise from God. Jesus will initiate and perfect our faith for the things He has promised. Do not be weighed down, slowed down or tripped up. Keep your eyes on Jesus, our champion. He is faithful to fulfill His promises in your life.
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Compromised Christians Under Conviction
Compromised Christians Under Conviction
In King Herod, we see a man who was convicted by John the Baptist's preaching and enjoyed it. Yet Herod was a compromised man—swayed by the pleasures of this world and peer pressure. When we are given to compromise we give away a portion of our freedom in Christ, our faith, our peace, etc. We are living in a generation when God is calling men and women to stand uncompromising and preach the gospel unashamedly. Step out in faith and believe God will provide the escape from compromise—no matter how great or small it may seem.
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8th Day Revival
8th Day Revival
Jesus made no random statements while ministering when he was alive. Everything was in accordance both to the will of His Father and the fulfillment of scripture. In this message, you will see His loud proclamation, "if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink," is a phenomenal promise from the Old Testament being fulfilled. He has come to revive the weary!
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