The Body of Christ: Communion
The Body of Christ: Communion
On the night before Jesus was crucified, He took bread and broke it in a spirit of thanksgiving. God calls us into communion with Him through the brokeness of our lives so we may offer Him the sacrafice of praise and thanksgiving. When we begin to commune with God, He will bless us and break us so we can be descerning of His body and live in peace and harmony with one another.
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Showing the Light of God's Love
Showing the Light of God's Love
There is only one reason why God would leave us on Earth after we are saved and that is to light the candle of His passion to burn within us so we can reflect the very love of Jesus. The work of God is to save the lost and we are the candle of Jesus's love
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Trusting God with All Your Tomorrows
Trusting God with All Your Tomorrows
God wants to change our thinking and impact our lives for the future. When we go through seasons of suffering, it is God’s desire to bring us to a place of total dependency on His promises. As we surrender our life into His hands and say Lord I trust you to be faithful to me and set ourselves to respond in defense of the gospel, then the very afflictions will become a message of Christ’s faithfulness. When you go through sufferings is your reaction preaching who Christ really is?
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Overcoming Loneliness In Old Age - Part 2
Overcoming Loneliness In Old Age - Part 2
When we have outlived our youthfulness we begin to ask ourselves if we outlived our usefulness. When we lose our independence there is loneliness and discouragement that sets into the heart as we begin to grow old. God does not forget us when we are old. He promises never to leave us or forsake us even in our old age.
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Mujeres en Liberación (Women of Deliverance)
Mujeres en Liberación (Women of Deliverance)
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Confiándole a Dios Todas tus Mañanas
Confiándole a Dios Todas tus Mañanas
Dios quiere cambiar nuestra forma de pensar e impactar nuestras vidas para el futuro. Cuando pasamos por tiempos de sufrimiento, es el deseo de Dios traernos a un lugar de total dependencia en Sus promesas. Mientras rendimos nuestra vida en Sus manos y decimos Señor confío en que serás fiel a mi y nos colocamos para responder en defensa del evangelio, entonces las mismas aflicciones se convertirán en un mensaje de la fidelidad de Cristo. Cuando tu pasas por sufrimientos, ¿tu reacción predica quien Cristo realmente es?
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Trusting God with All Your Tomorrows
Trusting God with All Your Tomorrows
God wants to change our thinking and impact our lives for the future. When we go through seasons of suffering, it is God’s desire to bring us to a place of total dependency on His promises. As we surrender our life into His hands and say Lord I trust you to be faithful to me and set ourselves to respond in defense of the gospel, then the very afflictions will become a message of Christ’s faithfulness. When you go through sufferings is your reaction preaching who Christ really is?
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