
Confessions of a Modern-Day Pharisee

Rachel Chimits

People these days often say, “Don’t judge” right before admitted questionable behavior, but is judging people’s choices always bad?

I don’t much care for the parable of the prodigal son.

Bratty, entitled younger sibling wreaks havoc on the household until he finally leaves to receive the just deserts of his poor choices. No Daddy and Mummy to the rescue, to cushion him from consequences.

The Guessing Game: Who Are You?

Rachel Chimits

God made us each with individual personalities and gifts, so why do those seem to get so easily muddled up in private fears and social anxieties?

In his book Samson and the Pirate Monks, Nate Larkins discusses a phenomenon that probably all human beings know too well.

“I was an adolescent when I first realized I am not always the same person, that there are several versions of me who appear and disappear in response to my surroundings.

Mr. Rogers or King of Sparta: Who Is the Christian Man?

Rachel Chimits

Modern, western Christianity seems to struggle with reaching men, particularly younger men, and many are starting to wonder why.

Researcher and sociology professor Michael Kimmel stood in front of his class, whiteboard marker poised. “What does it mean to be a good man?”

An awkward silence followed with rustling papers and creaking chairs.