
At the Head of the Pack

Rachel Chimits

Everyone is under a leader, whether they like it or not, but the question remains of whether that leader is a good one.

What defines a good Christian leader?

If we want to be safely generic, we might say that it’s someone who “follows God.” In all honesty, though, there are a lot of people who follow God who would still make very poor leaders.

When Church Leaders Stand Alone

Rachel Chimits

October is Clergy Appreciation Month, and we want to encourage believers to take this opportunity to show their support for their church leaders.

In one of his sermons, the pastor of my church talked about an unusual flight he’d had that year. He was talking with the two people in his row; inevitably, one asked what he did for a living, and he explained that he was a pastor.

They were polite but obviously a little uneasy, and the conversation petered off.

When We Catch on Fire

Rachel Chimits

No one likes to feel fear or the crushing pressure of life, but these experiences can help move us closer to God like nothing else will.

If you like conspiracy theories, be ye warned that Amazon keeps track of everything down to the lines you highlight in your Kindle books.

Living for a Taste of Heaven

Rachel Chimits

The weakest of all weak things is virtue that has not been tested in the fire.” —Mark Twain

Justo Thomas came from a coffee and coconut farm in rural Dominican Republic. Now he works at Le Bernardin, a three Michelin star restaurant in New York.

“Good morning, chef,” every sous chef, line cook, pâtissier and stagiere says to him, almost reverently, as they come in for the day.

Why Is Meditation in the Bible?

Rachel Chimits

Anything that strays too close to New Age practices alarms most believers, and rightfully so, but some disciplines were ours before they were perverted by false spiritualism.

Contemplative spirituality more or less teaches that true holiness and spiritual growth occur by contemplation of God through emptying your mind. The practice typically does not embrace the Bible; if any scripture is included, it’s out of context or very loosely paraphrased.