
How Bad Is Pornography Really?

Rachel Chimits

In the internet age, vast numbers of believers are exposed and addicted to sexually explicit material, and the church has traditionally been silent on how they can find real freedom and healing.

Spencer B. Olmstead and his colleagues conducted a survey of young college students, asking them what they thought about pornography.

Beauty Through Pain

Rachel Chimits

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.” — J.R.R. Tolkien

You probably have thalassophobia, though you may not use that word to describe one of the world’s most common fears.

Living With Strange Wisdom

Rachel Chimits

The ways that believers approach money should be one of the most striking things that people outside of the church notice about us.

In 1973, J. Paul Getty’s grandson was kidnapped and held for a $17 million ransom. The oil tycoon was, at that time, the richest man in the world. Despite this, he refused to pay anything to save his grandchild until another family member convinced him to at least contribute to the rescue.

Two Versions of the Future

Rachel Chimits

“Will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily…” (Luke 18:7-8 ESV).

French has two forms of future tense: “l’avenir” and “le futur.”

The first form refers to what will result from people’s actions in the present. The second is more ambiguous and open-ended because there are simply certain turns in future events that cannot be predicted.

Should Church Be the Lord’s Gym?

Rachel Chimits

Many believers have a spotty history with fitness, and the Bible says nearly nothing about it, so Christians often struggle with how they should approach this aspect of care for our bodies. 

“Lord’s Gym: Bench Press This!”

Seeing this 90s t-shirt’s logo of Jesus bench-pressing the cross was the first time I’d ever really thought about God and working out, mostly because Christ in the illustration was…well, extremely buff.

eRomance: How Christians Can Respond to the Online Dating Scene

Rachel Chimits

The process of finding a spouse is an age-old process, and the yet the modern methods of going about it might alarm some.

“I hope you like alpha males because I’m your guy. That’s right, I’m the whole package. I’ll defend your honor in public.”

This is the guy I’d fully expect to shoplift or dine-and-ditch on our first date and then leave me to explain his nonsense to the cops.