
Guides Needed: Please Apply in Life

Rachel Chimits

At the very beginning, God made all humans with two very important requirements, whether we like it or not.

Southwest of Colorado Springs is a hill simply known to many as “the Incline.”

Originally a railway track, the wooden ties form a rough-hewn stairway and a grueling climb that gains over 2,000 feet of elevation—topping at 8,600 feet above sea level—in under a mile. It has become a popular destination for Olympians, military cadets and fitness enthusiasts.

Treasuring the Small Beginnings

Rachel Chimits

Even if God asks us to do something that seems small or dangerous or just plain strange, we will miss out on spectacular results if we fail to follow his call.

Most people are probably not familiar with Zerubbabel. He doesn’t typically feature in the Sunday school Bible lessons alongside Noah, Moses and Jesus.

A Problem With Social Justice

Rachel Chimits

Our God is deeply interested in integrity and justness, but being an agent of those virtues in the world as a believer can be a troubling task.

What do you think of when someone mentions “social justice”?

Is it affordable healthcare for everyone? Better education for students and higher salaries for teachers? Food for malnourished children? Access to clean water? Uncensored internet?

When Faith Answers Doubts

World Challenge Staff

World Challenge has started a new branch of ministry to reach out to the younger generation and offer answers to their questions about God, the Bible and much more.

In 1966, Anthony Wallace—a distinguished social anthropologist—stated, “Belief in supernatural powers is doomed to die out, all over the world, as a result of the increasing adequacy and diffusion of scientific knowledge.”