
Making Relationships Good and Godly

Rachel Chimits

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” —Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

I dislike this opening line in one of my otherwise favorite books. In reality, dysfunctional human dynamics are far less unique and easier to acquire than happy, healthy ones.

All you need is sin and selfishness. Et voilà, a pain-riddled relationship.

Jesus’ Empty Tomb: Elaborate Hoax or Simple Fact

Evan Wilkerson

Witness accounts about Christ’s resurrection in the New Testament are a cornerstone of our faith and have been debated for centuries.

One of the standard challenges many Christians face in terms of the Bible’s account is Jesus’ tomb. People may ask, “Has Christ’s tomb ever been found? What if his body is still in there? Or what if the disciples stole Jesus’ body and hid it?”

How Should We Pray?

Rachel Chimits

Many Christians may feel that they “don’t pray well,” but this begs the question of what we actually mean when we say that and how can we grow into a people of prayer.

In his sermons, David Wilkerson focused on common issues that trouble the hearts of many believers, and he pointed out a deep and disconcerting problem with prayer in more than one.

Do Miracles Still Happen Today?

Rachel Chimits

In the Western world, miracles seem to be an anomaly but what if they shouldn’t be?

Miraculous signs and wonders can make some believers uneasy, particularly after they’ve observed televangelists like Benny Hinn whose “healing” services are more akin to an episode of TLC’s Long Island Medium than anything else.  

Skepticism is easy after even one scam artist is caught making money off of people desperate for hope and healing.

Those Hidden in Ireland

Rachel Chimits

World Challenge partners in the Emerald Isle reach out to one mother weighted down by a cancer prognosis and deep worries for her children.

Can people still be deeply caught in poverty if they live in a wealthy, Western nation?

Most would say, “Yes, of course” because we’ve all seen someone beside the road with a cardboard sign who is clearly homeless.

God’s Greatest Commands

World Challenge Staff

When Priya* and her husband accepted Christ, their neighbors weren’t excited. Vicious gossip began circulating, and the pressure to convert back to Hinduism became intense.

“At times,” she confessed, “I wanted to give up and become Hindu again.”

World Challenge partners came to Priya’s church and talked about living as a light for God in the neighborhood.

Training Pastors in Kenya

Rachel Chimits

Church leaders in sub-Saharan Africa are hungry to know more about God’s Word and how to help their communities.

The words “Bible school” may invoke images of college-like campuses, solemn meetings between scholars and chapel prayer times.

For some in the West, this may be the only way they’ve seen or heard of theological training be done, but for many church leaders in other parts of the world, the experience is quite different.