
Arrested in the Church: Part 2

Rachel Chimits

Finally free from Kenyan jail, one World Challenge partner is still faced with overwhelming prejudice and the grindingly slow refugee process.

The police who had dragged Abdi out of church took him to his house first. More police and investigators arrived, and they combed his house while they held him at gunpoint.

Arrested in the Church: Part 1

Rachel Chimits

One Somali man had an incredible journey from being an agnostic refugee to being redeemed by Christ and becoming a World Challenge partner.

As the church service drew to a close, Abdi noticed several men closing in on him. They pushed through the normal Easter crowd until they were in ring around him, and one tried to grab his arm.

“What are you doing?” he asked, uneasy. “Who are you?”

“We need you to come outside with us.”

How to Make Our Faith Grow

Rachel Chimits

We can be told to “just have more faith” or even pray for more faith, but there are also specific steps we can take to help strengthen our faith.

“Faith is on the rise,” reports The Guardian magazine, “and 84% of the global population identifies with a religious group.”

A Prayer for Ukraine

Rachel Chimits

Gary Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz offered a conference to refresh pastors in Ukraine and over 10,000 church leaders arrived to hear them.

Chernivtsi, or Cernăuți as it is called by the Romanians, has been called “Jerusalem upon the Prut” for its strategic location between Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

It has traditionally been a cosmopolitan city, home to many Romanians, Germans, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Roma and Jews.

Running the Good Race

Rachel Chimits

Pastors around the world need encouragement, refreshment and prayer from their fellow believers.

Recently, Gary Wilkerson, Kelly Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz and Carter Conlon were invited along with other pastors and leaders to speak at a pastors’ conference in Kenya. 

Caring for the Homeless in Lithuania

Rachel Chimits

One woman is working hard to make sure that those often neglected by her hometown have somewhere safe to go. 

Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius, is the country’s largest city and famous for its historical architecture. Mark Buzzetta, Director of World Challenge’s Mercy Missions, wasn’t there to see castles and museums, though. Instead, he was looking for a food kitchen.

Youth in the Heart of Africa

Arthur Manirambona

Concern for the young people and future of Burundi is what drives one young man, a World Challenge scholarship student at Summit.

I am from Bujumbura, the capital city* of Burundi in East Africa.

Raised in a non-Christian family, I started drinking when I was 6 years old. It’s not uncommon for people to start drinking at an early age with the traditions in our community.