Chasing Darkness With a Stick
Pastor Carter Conlon shows the miraculous victory that God can bring when we trust fully in the delivering power of Jesus Christ rather than our own strength, abilities or wisdom.
Pastor Carter Conlon shows the miraculous victory that God can bring when we trust fully in the delivering power of Jesus Christ rather than our own strength, abilities or wisdom.
In Matthew 6 we are shown how to pray and one aspect of that prayer is "your kingdom come." What does that mean exactly? Carter Conlon walks through the passage and encourages us to be consumed by God and for His will to be done on this earth.
When you and I go through difficult times, we may feel God is silent or far. We want God to show up in this big victorious way, but in reality, God often reveals himself to us in the gentle whisper. Carter Conlon reminds us to have reverence that leads to praise, even when we don't see the victory.
Are giants really necessary? Must we really suffer? While victory is possible over the challenges in our lives, it is only by God's strength. And as Carter Conlon reminds us, perhaps that's why the giants exist—so that we come to realize our need for him.
The enemy is doing everything in his power to keep us in subjection to a feeling of mediocrity and to cause us to forget who we really are in Christ. He will never stop accusing us this side of Heaven, and his whispers of your failures will be constant. In this powerful sermon, Carter Conlon reminds us what God says about himself and who we are as his children. It's time to stop listening to the enemy and live in the promises of God.
At times, we put parameters around God's power and abilities with our own limited belief, but the truth is, God can do whatever he wants to do. It's time to believe that God is able! In this powerful sermon, Carter Conlon challenges us to ask the question: What am I willing to believe God for in my life?
Following the relationship between Jesus and his mother Mary, Carter Conlon challenges us to let go of the old ways of thinking and doing, and embrace His Kingdom ways. To get to a place where it's not your voice trying to dictate God, but it's God's voice leading you. There's a powerful truth in this sermon: God doesn't conform to your life plan. Surrender your voice and will to Him, and watch what He will do with your life.
Sometimes faith follows favor—God shows up and points to the will He has for you. And from that place of calling and surrender, you ask for the faith to step into something bigger than yourself. Carter Conlon shares in this powerful teaching that submission to God leads to a fruitful life that will change the world beyond your reach.
Circumstance-based Christianity rises and falls on hope in this world. Yet, when our world is shaken and the things in it, we can be shaken, too. Carter Conlon reminds us in this sermon to look up and have a vision beyond the circumstances around us.
Discouragement can be debilitating. We can get so despondent that we will begin to doubt the existence of God. God will allow seasons of discouragement when: