
Confronting The Enemies of Faith

Claude Houde

“Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed … who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 3-4). We must discern, identify, confront, and learn to overcome and protect against the enemies of our faith.

Walking in Marvelous Freedom

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The foundational truth of Christianity is justification by faith. You will never know true rest and peace until you are convinced that your own works of righteousness can never make you right in God’s eyes.  You may feel good because of the good works you do, and you will probably enjoy a moment of victory whenever you resist temptation. You feel God’s favor on you, but the next day you fall back into sin and lose your joy. Why? Because in yourself, you always fall short. And no righteousness of the flesh will ever stand before God. We are accepted by him only as we are in Christ.

A Response of Faith

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

You may be going through the worst storm of your life — a financial struggle, business troubles, slander, family problems or a personal tragedy. Restlessness keeps you awake at night, a cloud hanging over you. When you awaken, the dull ache is still with you and you cry, “God, how long will you allow me to go through this? When will it end?”

Faith for the Impossible

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt and when they came to the Red Sea, the leader held his staff out over the water and throughout the night a strong east wind divided the sea. The water stood up in a wall on each side so that the Israelites could cross over on dry land. When the Egyptians pursued, the waters overwhelmed them and drowned them all. Read the account in Exodus 14:15-31.

The Complete Work of Faith

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The devil loves to tell you that you’re no good, useless, weak. He tells you that you are a total failure and will never measure up to God’s standard. On top of that, he wants to convince you that God is angry with you.

These are all lies that come straight from the pit of hell! The enemy of your soul is determined to undermine your relationship with your heavenly Father and sidetrack you from the purpose for which you are called and anointed. Since you know Satan is a liar, let’s look at proof that Jesus has made you worthy by his sacrifice on the cross.

It's Time to Believe

Carter Conlon

At times, we put parameters around God's power and abilities with our own limited belief, but the truth is, God can do whatever he wants to do. It's time to believe that God is able! In this powerful sermon, Carter Conlon challenges us to ask the question: What am I willing to believe God for in my life?