A Clash at the Gates

Gary Wilkerson

We all face crisis. In our crisis Jesus sets a path to meet us. He comes with a word, power and heart of compassion to transform our time of crisis to a testimony of victory. Jesus has won every battle he has ever faced and desires for us to engage alongside him. There is joy and peace at the battles end.

Download Ultimate Favor

Gary Wilkerson

We hear a lot about the favor of God these days. That's a good thing. Without the Lord's favor, we wouldn't be able to breathe, stand or find true life anywhere. Our loving, compassionate God looks to bless us with his amazing favor. 

Special Favor

Gary Wilkerson

Experiencing hardship can make us cry out as Jesus did, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" Suffering can make God seem far away, but in our darkest moments—especially then—our Father is at work to bring great blessing and favor to us, his beloved children.

Favor Follows You

Gary Wilkerson

Pastor Gary Wilkerson shares a message of encouragement for those who find themselves in a difficult season. You find yourself asking, "How long, Lord?!" You need a breakthrough. Hold on! Don't give up! God has already prepared the answer. Endure and believe Jesus for the victory.

Accomplishing Our Christmas Purpose

Gary Wilkerson

At the time of Jesus's birth, Herod was disturbed and sought to have him killed. In our generation we are starting to see a similar turn against the gospel. Sin is no longer called sin. It is even called good and glorified. Bible-believing faith-filled Christians are becoming the minority. When persecution comes, what is our response? Initially it can be anger, but in Jesus we see that we are to act in love and keep on with the ministry to which he has called us.