
Opening Our Eyes to the Unreached

Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss the uneven distribution of missions resources, the contrast between lostness with and without gospel access, and the surprising growth of Iran's underground church.

The Staggering Reality of the Unreached

Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss the challenges of reaching the vast number of unreached people groups with the gospel and the need for Christians to have a global faith.

The Overwhelming Victory

John Bailey

John Bailey exhorts Christians to rise up in faith, pursue the lost, and bring the gospel to their city because of Jesus' overwhelming victory over sin and death.

Reaching the Truly Lost

Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe delve into the profound challenges and urgent necessity of global missions, focusing on the regions most remote from the gospel's reach.

The Parable of The Marriage Feast

Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West unpack the depth of God's invitation to salvation, emphasizing the Christian’s duty to share this gift with the world.