Discerning True Revival

John Bailey and Mark Renfroe discuss how to identify false revivals that are just hype versus true revivals that result in transformed lives.

Going Deeper with Christ

When we come to the Lord with our felt-needs but without a clear picture of who he is, he may still heal and provide, but we miss a critical aspect of how God wants us to engage with him.

Jesus Is Greater Than

Jordan Thomas returns to the Gary Wilkerson Podcast to talk about how Moses and other Old Testament archetypes pointed forward to Christ.

Enjoying the Fullness of Christ

Jordan Thomas joins the Gary Wilkerson Podcast to talk about why we should never trade the fullness of Christ for a half-hearted version of Christianity.

Jesus Is Truth and Grace

John Bailey and Mark Renfroe talk about how believers can become more like Christ and grow in truth and in grace.

The New Covenant – Part 1

John Bailey joins Gary Wilkerson to discuss how the Old and New Covenants help us understand God’s plan for humanity.