
Inspiring the New Generation

World Challenge Staff

Today, we are used to having the freedom to choose what we want to do in college. Sometimes we fail, but we have a second chance to do things better. Most importantly, we can follow our dreams.

For many people in Albania during Communism, however, none of these things were true. The lack of this freedom directed the course of their life. For some, this reality could feel crushing; but our hope is in God, who sees the desires of our hearts and fulfills them in his perfect time.

The Heart Behind Animal Banks

World Challenge Staff

The UN estimates that, since the COVID pandemic, an additional 100 million people has been pushed into poverty.

World Challenge works with partners in many poor communities around the world, and we have witnessed daily wage laborers struggling to make ends meet in the face of instability and joblessness. Considering how to respond to such need, we have sought to implement a variety of income-generating initiatives to foster self-sustainability.

Understanding the Banjara People

World Challenge Staff

Many people in India still have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

After prayer and consideration, our ministry partners have begun focus on one particular unreached people group: the Banjara. The Joshua Project notes, “They are the largest nomadic group in India and are known as the root Romani of the earth.”

God Who Is Always Good

World Challenge Staff

For the widows in Albania, life is never easy, and yet many of them have a glorious faith and peace in their Heavenly Father who provides for them. 

One of our partners in Albania work with widows, seeking to bless these dear women with food packages as well as spiritual and medical care. Many of the widows are quite elderly, have serious health concerns and live by themselves in poor conditions.

Where There Once Was No Church

World Challenge Staff

God is building his church in some of the most closed nations in the world through daring conviction of his children who put their lives in danger to share the gospel. 

Abdul was unfamiliar with the good news of Jesus until a friend shared it with him. He recalled, “This message stuck to my heart, and I thought about it for weeks and continued to meet him.” Every time they met, Abdul had more questions for his friend, and his longing to know more grew.

Surviving the War in Ukraine

World Challenge Staff

One World Challenge volunteer’s experience in Ukraine reads like a memoir from World War II, as if it should be a glimpse into the distant past rather than the very recent life of so many Ukrainians like her. 

I want to tell you about Tanya Biloshapka, our volunteer who lives in Borodyanka, 40 kilometers from Kyiv. For three and half years now, Tanya has been serving the elderly widows in need.