
It's Time To Go Through Your Open Door

Carter Conlon

If we are hungry for God's presence in our lives, if we faithfully pursue God, then we will find a divinely placed door before us. Pastor Carter Conlon talks about how God demonstrated this in the story of Peter and Cornelius. We need to have courage and faith and step through the door God has put in our lives into his plans, no matter how uncertain, impossible or frightening that step may seem.

Looking for the Arrow

Tim Dilena

Tim Dilena explains about how one of the worst things we can do in our Christian walk is to waste the trials God gives us. As difficult as it may be to believe, God has great plans for the toughest times in our lives, if only we let him work. Otherwise, as Dilena points out, “Something happened to you, but nothing happened in you.” Through our struggles, God wants to develop maturity and steadfast joy in our hearts that will outlast even the darkest nights. 

Four Ways That God Blesses Us With His Favor

Gary Wilkerson

Gary Wilkerson talks about how God gives us his favor in the midst of our struggles, and he identifies a couple areas where we can consistently see God's blessings.

Jesus, Lamb of God

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

David Wilkerson delivers an Easter message on the power of Jesus' blood. The Son's mighty atoning sacrifice not only wipes away all of our sins and makes us clean but also gives us an eternal hope because now we are justified and will be able to stand before God's throne. Christ gives us peace and joy as we look forward to heaven, and that great gift should be one that we desperately desire for others to know too.

God's Divine Order in the Chaos of Life

Gary Wilkerson

God points out the overwhelming behemoth and leviathan that Job could've never overcome on his own and then points Job to his own authority and power in the world.

Getting Healed

Gary Wilkerson

Many of us have been wounded. The Bible has promised us freedom, but often it feels like we’re still held back by scars. Pastor Gary Wilkerson talks about how God uses truth to set us free from the damage in our past, but how God also allows the snake to be in our garden. The automatic question is “Why?

America And Its Children Need Deliverance

Carter Conlon

God’s people are meant to be a light and blessing to the world. Even the darkest, most entrenched parts of society can be overcome by faith as small as mustard seed. All God needed to overturn pervasive culture in the book of Acts was 120 common, ordinary people who were willing to let their hearts be overcome by the Holy Spirit. In this passionate exhortation, Pastor Carter reminds Christians that we are called to live for the benefit of others.

Don't Be Disappointed With Yourself

Gary Wilkerson

How many of us feel disappointed in ourselves or like a disappointment to our friends, family or even God? Often, we say terrible things about ourselves that we would never say to another person. 

Feeling as if we should have accomplished more, traveled to more places or made different choices in our past can become a terrible weight on the soul. Even if we do achieve our greatest dreams, they almost always feel hollow once they’re in our hands. We fall prey to the enemy’s lies rather than trusting what God says.

Jesus, Wash My Feet

Carter Conlon

As Christians, we are constantly in combat with a world that is out of touch with God and uses religion to offer wealth, status and power. Through the act of washing the disciples feet, Jesus showed a way of thinking that would change our lives forever. This way of servanthood led Jesus to the cross and is considered greatness with God. If we are willing to yield our lives and become servants like Jesus we can have true power and impact the world around us for eternity.

Wordless Words

Tim Dilena

Words matter. Scripture says “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). But how we say words is just as important as what we say. Our facial expressions, tones, and even our silence speak volumes! How do we control these reactions? We have to look at our heart, as from it come our reactions to situations in our homes, work, and relationships. If we invite God to search our hearts and help us control the words of our mouths and meditations of our hearts, he will help us. We can be God-strengthened to be surrounded by chaos but not let it control our hearts and words.