
Is This Your First or Last Year?

Carter Conlon

Many in churches across America are setting their hearts on false hopes—seeking to bypass holy to get to happy. If we are willing to see life as God sees it, real change can happen in our lives. God takes those struggling vessels with honest hearts on a journey they will never regret. We will make mistakes along the way, but a cry of “Abba, Father” will rise from our heart as we look to God’s promises with hope for change.

I Can't Go On One More Day

Tim Dilena

Are you at your wits end? Do you find it hard to go on one more day? God knows what we need better than we know what we need. When we’re in charge of our own prayer requests we may be scripting our demise. Things go really bad when God lets us be god to our self. God answers like a father, not a Genie. Most of our prayer requests are telling god how we want Him to answer us, since God is our Father He does what’s right and best for us.

A Dream Realized

Gary Wilkerson

Many Christians allow their failures to dash their God-given hopes and dreams. The chasm between our reality and God's promises seems insurmountable. Pastor Gary Wilkerson exhorts us to combat discouragement through knowing the “why” behind the “what” to which God has called us. Our past hurts and failures don’t have to derail us from what God wants for us today.

Secondary Seeking of Significant Secondaries

Gary Wilkerson

Today, many Christians are living lives they don't enjoy. Their passion has dwindled and they've become complacent, believing their problems will never change. Pastor Gary Wilkerson shares that if we ignore the need's we have, we will never get better. But God is good! He has a purpose and plan for our lives that is above all that we can ask or think. Through God's strength, we can face life head on and live an abundant life that overflows for the benefit of others.

Maintaining Faith and Joy in the Midst of Trouble - Jerusalem

Teresa Conlon

Teresa Conlon shares a prophetic word for those who labor in hard places. Through the story of the Gadarene demoniac she shares an encouraging message for those who feel alone, incapable, or unprepared for ministry. Your greatest message is your testimony of Christ's resurrection power in your life. When people see how you maintain your faith and joy through difficult circumstances, they will be drawn to Jesus. And in the end, God will reward you!

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Claude Houde

In the Scriptures, God reveals his nature to us through his names. In Genesis, God reveals himself as Elohim, the transcendent Creator worthy to receive worship. In Isaiah, He reveals himself as Emmanuel: God with us—showing his great love for us by stooping down and meeting us. Our needs and brokenness aren’t hidden from him. He wants to create beautiful things out of the dead areas of our life. When we see that nothing can be hidden from him, a faith in his goodness and fear of his holiness is produced, leading to a shout of praise!