

Stories from the Field

  • Learning How to Love and Be Loved

    Rachel Chimits

    God is slowly redeeming and healing one young man’s life after it spun out of control and left him aching for true connection.

    Our partners in Eswatini run a Teen Challenge center that helps many of the country’s impoverished and troubled youth and young adults find the transforming power of Christ while providing them a safe haven where they can heal from addictions and abuse.

  • God Heals the Demon Possessed

    Rachel Chimits

    Spiritual attacks and hauntings are not unheard of in Cambodia, but the Holy Spirit gave light and new life to one precious lady and her granddaughter.

    Being troubled or even possessed by spirits is an accepted possibility in Cambodia. Workers have claimed to have fainted in large groups because of a spiritual attack on the factory where they work. Buddhist monks regularly visit homes to help protect its inhabitance from vengeful spirits.

  • A Tale of Two Wives

    Rachel Chimits

    One widow is following God’s calling to witness to his goodness, especially to those neighbors who have left the church.

    In Uganda, a country that has already weathered several economic downturns, government restrictions in response to COVID felt like an extra affliction to many locals. For others, though, it was merely one more opportunity for God to move.

  • A Survivor of Chernobyl

    Rachel Chimits

    In Russia and the former Soviet states, the word “liquidator” needs no explanation. These people are a mix of survivor, victim and hero.

    When the Chernobyl reactor blew highly radioactive graphite and ash across the nearby towns and forest, the Soviet government called in liquidators to contain the disaster.

  • A Spirit Set Free Behind Bars

    Rachel Chimits

    The Great Physician came to heal the sick, and he continues to do his powerful work in the United States’ prisons.

    One of World Challenge’s partners in the United States, a husband and wife team, have a ministry in the prisons reaching out to inmates with the gospel. Sadly, COVID-19 restrictions have kept Chaplain Mario and Barbara from being able to enter the facilities the last few months.

  • The Bridge to Evangelism

    Rachel Chimits

    Churches in Burundi are multiplying as people learn how to step forward in faith and better care for themselves and one another.

    When we read about Jesus’ miracles in the gospels, it’s hard not to search for a pattern, to see if there’s some kind of checklist or criteria for receiving healing and restoration from God. One particular incident that throws a monkey wrench in any potential pattern is Jesus’ healing of the 10 lepers.