

Stories from the Field

  • When God Provides Fish

    World Challenge Staff

    Our partners in Haiti recently had the opportunity to work with a fishing community to heal and preserve their livelihoods.

    Recently, Medical Ambassadors Haiti (MAH) was asked for help from one of our local fishing communities. The issue was that the fishermen were using the same old fishing techniques that had been passed down through generations, but the number and size of fish caught had been insufficient for a long time.

  • Hearing the Voice of the Lord

    World Challenge Staff

    One believer received the strangest urge from the Spirit and witnessed a little miracle when he obeyed this mysterious call.

    The heart of the church and their discipleship movement is to always keep your eyes open for people in need around you, always look for God’s hand on people and listen to his voice as you interact with others.

  • A Second Chance at Life

    Rachel Chimits

    World Challenge’s partners in Swaziland are helping one very special woman find her way into God’s healing and care.

    Growing up, Claudia was constantly on the move. Her parents’ jobs took the family from country to country, and her young life was a blur of one new school after another. She focused on her studies, though, and was very academically gifted, so she finished high school at age 15.

  • A Gift in the Time of Need

    Rachel Chimits

    In Kenya, our partners are working to support families who have children with special needs and who have been affected by the COVID lockdowns.

    Being the parent of a special needs child is a daily challenge, but in Kenya while many facilities are closed and resources are limited thanks to COVID, it can feel overwhelming some days.

  • Bringing News to the Borderlands

    Rachel Chimits

    As the Congo continues to struggle with COVID, our partners are working to spread helpful information and the gospel message of hope.

    World Challenge’s partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been planning to educate communities about COVID-19 as one of our community development activities in the Beni region.

  • A Voice Calling on the Wind

    Rachel Chimits

    Burundi’s churches are using the radio to endorse COVID prevention methods and the hope of the gospel to their entire nation.

    As COVID-19 began to hit the continent of Africa, many churches faced the difficulty of inaccurate reports and contradicting instructions from their governments. In some places, people simply had no idea what was happening to their country and the entire region.

  • A Desperate Cry for God

    Patrick Dow

    The next generation in the Ukraine is desperate for Christ’s healing and power to make a difference in their lives and their nation.

    “Nicky! Nicky! Pray for me!”

    We had just finished a huge crusade in Chernivtsi, western Ukraine near the Moldova and Romania borders. As the altar call ended and the crowd was being dismissed, a desperate, heavily accented voice cried out to me from the edge of the stage.

  • God Granting Freedom From Addiction

    Rachel Chimits

    One young man staying with World Challenge’s partners in Eswatini shares his journey to freedom from the pain and addiction that haunted him for many years.

    Simiso grew up in a small village in the Shiselweni region of Eswatini. His mother raised him alone, though she told him who his father was, and he was able to get to know some of his father’s family.

  • Single Dads in Eastern Europe

    Anna Kozlyuk

    God is providing for two single-parent families in ways that neither could have predicted only a few short years ago.

    Life has been hard for parents this year with the COVID-19 pandemic closing parks and schools. For those unused to having their children home all day long and for kids who suddenly found themselves stuck indoors day after day, the lockdowns proved to be a tough and, in some cases, discouraging season.