• When Healing Comes From A Broken Place

    When Healing Comes From A Broken Place

    William Carrol

    All of God's healing was done from the Cross. There is a saving love that pours forth from Jesus Christ. God chooses to save from the brokenness of the Cross and God chooses to use broken people. When we are going through painful seasons, it is not easy to reach out and help someone, but this is our Christian heritage and Jesus' sacrificial love is our example. When you are hurting and you don't understand what God is doing choose to take your focus off yourself and reach out and love someone. Supernatural healing will flow from your brokenness to those around you.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - A House of Prayer

    EXPECT 2011 - A House of Prayer

    Jim Cymbala

    Jesus said that His house would be known as a house of prayer. Charles Spurgeon said that the prayer meeting drove his church. Prayer must be genuine, authentic, focused and Spirit led. When we intercede for others we have one hand on them and one hand on God. We become the wiring connecting them to God. There is no situation or circumstance that is too big for God.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - Expect to See the Salvation of the Lord

    EXPECT 2011 - Expect to See the Salvation of the Lord

    Gary Wilkerson

    Through the Exodus story, Pastor Gary Wilkerson paints a picture of two houses. One is in doubt — not sure if they're safe. They question whether they did everything they were supposed to, and if they did it correctly. The other house stands in quiet confidence, secure in what God has promised. Sometimes we have to be silent and let the Lord work on our behalf. Moses stood and lifted his rod in faith. God did the rest.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - The Holy Ghost Hospital

    EXPECT 2011 - The Holy Ghost Hospital

    Nicky Cruz

    The church is to be a place of healing and restoration, but we often find fighting and bickering. A lot of us are engaged in war, but with the wrong enemy. It isn't uncommon to find more compassion in the local bar than in the local church. We must lay aside our differences, forgive each other, love each other and seek out the lost. There are many backslidden believers longing to return to the church, but they fear the judgment they'll face if they do. It's time for the church to open its doors and hearts to the lost and hurting that desperately need healing.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - Stunted Growth

    EXPECT 2011 - Stunted Growth

    Tim Dilena

    In Exodus, Pharaoh shows us a picture of how our life and ministry can be limited by the boundaries imposed by ourselves and others. Sometimes we limit God to only the things we can accomplish with our own abilities, when God often desires to use us beyond our own strengths. Many of us learn to do ministry still wearing the chains of bitterness, anger, addiction, etc. — not walking in the full freedom of Christ. We'll often hold back if something seems too extreme, radical or fanatic. Some of us limit God by keeping our faith to ourselves or making it just about us. Many of us want to follow Christ, but aren't willing to make the sacrifices it often requires. It's time to break down the walls and stop limiting what God wants to do in and through our lives.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - The Preacher's Heart

    EXPECT 2011 - The Preacher's Heart

    Jim Cymbala

    The preacher's message must be conviction of sin through the law, coupled with sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. The methodology must be full dependence on the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Our motivation must be genuine Christ-like love for people — not money, fame or recognition. The American church needs a fresh baptism of love.

    * We apologize for the music over the beginning of the sermon. It will stop after five minutes.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - The Spirit of Expect

    EXPECT 2011 - The Spirit of Expect

    Claude Houde

    Pastor Claude Houde of Église Nouvelle Vie in Montreal, Quebec, Canada shares about "The Spirit of Expect." God's workmanship in us can only be accomplished by Him. He is a creating Spirit that wants to create something in and through us. Much of the modern church walks in so little of the Spirit. They have no spiritual inertia and are reduced to powerless imitators. In the end, only the supernatural works of God will survive.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - Being a Holy Shepherd

    EXPECT 2011 - Being a Holy Shepherd

    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson opens up the EXPECT 2011 Church Leadership Conference with a message about holy confidence. In an age when the media has headlines of pastors and leaders failing and falling, there is a temptation to muster up some spiritual gumption and declare that we won't mess up. This can be a prideful self-confidence worked up in our flesh. In truth, there was only one Shepherd that never failed — Jesus. It is through Him that we acquire the perfection required by God.

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  • EXPECT 2011 - Expect the Miraculous

    EXPECT 2011 - Expect the Miraculous

    Carter Conlon

    It is time for the church to return to the supernatural. Some of us try to build the supernatural with the natural — planning, reasoning, flesh, etc. Others of us are in a place of hopeless and discouragement — a powerless and prayerless place. God wants men and women that will get up, fight back and stand in faith. Jonathan and his armor-bearer only took a half-acre of land, but their faith shook Hell. Moses was an old man with a stick and a one-line sermon, but he had faith. No matter how small your ministry may seem or how useless you may feel, with faith God can move supernaturally through your life.

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  • Impossible Love

    Impossible Love

    Gary Wilkerson

    1 Corinthians 13 is often thought of as a sentimental bit of scripture about love. We aspire to love as it is described in these verses, and use it as a checklist to measure how well we are doing as Christians. What is being described here is God's perfect and unconditional love — a love that is impossible for us to achieve in our own efforts and strength. It is meant to show us our spiritual poverty in contrast to the richness of God's love. Christianity is not a self-improvement plan. It is a work of Christ through the Holy Spirit. He gives a new heart with new desires, and imputes to us His righteousness, strength and desire to love like He loved.

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