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Pulpit Series Newsletter

Hierdie Manne Was By Jesus

Die Kenmerke van Sy Teenwoordigheid In Handelinge 3, kort na die opstanding, vind ons Petrus en Johannes op pad na die tempel om te gaan aanbid. Net buitekant die tempelpoort, het ‘n bedelaar, wat van sy geboorte af kruppel was, gesit. Petrus het vir die bedelaar gebid en gesê: “In die Naam van

Gebed Wat God Behaag

Ons Diepste Behoeftes Word Deur Sy Begeerte Aangespreek Ek glo dat die kerk nooit die belangrikheid van gebed sal begryp nie totdat ons een fundamentele waarheid verstaan. Eenvoudig gestel, gebed is nie net vir ons eie voordeel of verligting nie, maar eerder vir die behae van die Here. Ons gaan

Dit Mag Lyk Asof Ek Omsingel Is

Om Volkome Op God te Steun as Jou Vertroue Toe Dawid Psalm 3 geskryf het, het hy 'n dramatiese en verwoestende tyd in sy lewe beleef. Oorweldig deur ondraaglike beproewinge, het hy met angs uitgeroep: “O Here, hoe het my teëstanders vermenigvuldig! Baie staan ​​teen my op” (Psalm 3:2, AFR53). Vir

Aggressiewe Goedhartigheid

Die Heilige Bediening van Versoening Die meeste Christene wat ek ken is goedhartig, liefdevol, bedagsaam, sorgsaam en behulpsaam. Ek glo baie min mense in die kerk dink aan hulself as nie goedhartig nie. Ek dink nie jy kan 'n ware Christen wees en nie goedhartig wees nie. Wanneer ons aan goedhartige

David Wilkerson Newsletters

Fulfilling Your Destiny

“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:11-12, NKJV, my emphasis). We have been predestined to a

God Is Faithful, Even When We Are Not

I know all about the restraining hand of the Lord. He allows his children to go only so far but no further. In my early days of ministry, he restrained me when I was ready to quit during times of awful discouragement. At times, I felt overwhelmed by all the financial responsibilities. I felt like a failure as a husband and father as well. I would get so low about my overwhelming obligations that I thought my faith would shatter completely.

The Power of the Hidden Man

After Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, his listeners sat in awe. Scripture says, “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matthew 7:28-29, NKJV). The Greek word for authority in this verse means “with mastery, power, liberty; as one in control.” Jesus’ listeners were saying, in essence, “This man knows what he’s talking about.”

Don’t Lose Heart

His answer to your prayer is coming. Our ministry receives letters from many Christians who have somehow lost heart. These are followers of Christ who have truly been saved. They’ve tasted the mercy and goodness of the Lord and experienced joy, peace, hope and gladness of heart. Then something

Newsletter & Daily Devotional

What You Will Receive:

When you sign up to receive our daily devotional or email newsletter, you can expect to receive regular encouragement in your walk with Christ. The devotions are curated from the writings of David Wilkerson, Gary Wilkerson, Carter Conlon and several other respected church leaders.

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