

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Power of the Gospel

    Jim Cymbala

    Pastor Jim Cymbala challenges pastors to simplify their message. The good news of salvation through Jesus Christ is all we need. We don't need to add stuff to it. We don't need to get diverted into extra-biblical topics or legalism. If it isn't in the New Testament, don't preach it. Don't mix the old covenant in with the new and better covenant. Sometimes the hardest part of rightly dividing the word of God is the Old and New Testament.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Protecting Expect

    Claude Houde

    When we experience a spiritual high and have to come down off the mountain top, we can end up in a valley. In order to protect that, we have to be drawing away into the secret place of prayer and reading God's word. The enemy is like a fowler that sets traps to ensnare us. These can be outright satanic attacks, sudden events, silent attacks in our minds or subtle attacks that become bigger. The only way to be safe from the snares of the enemy is to take refuge in the Lord. When we continually take refuge, we become a refuge for others, showing them God's mercy.

  • EXPECT 2012 – What Does God Expect from Us

    Claude Houde

    God expects us to show His justice and mercy to the suffering. Once we recognize, receive and respond to God's call to demonstrate mercy, it becomes part of who we are. We reflect God's love to our world.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Why I Pray

    Tim Dilena

    Why should we pray? Prayer causes worlds to intersect. It opens doors, leads you to people you might not otherwise meet and takes you places you have no business going. We should pray every chance we get, even if it's just a small interval time. Prayer reboots our system and makes us sensitive to what God is saying.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Ask the Hard Thing

    Teresa Conlon

    Teresa Conlon takes us on her journey of asking God the hard thing. She wanted Summit International School of Ministry to be a place of transformation, but she had to go through a difficult season of her own to see that happen. She had to learn to see the supernatural through supernatural eyes.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Ministry of the Spirit

    Jim Cymbala

    Jim Cymbala warns of the decline in the American church. If the Spirit was truly at work we would see fruitfulness and multiplication, but instead we see congregations dwindling and churches closing. Pastor Cymbala encourages pastors and church leaders to be fully dependent on God. The Holy Spirit comes to glorify Christ and build up His people, not to make you and your church famous. Ask God to make you feel like He feels and see like He sees.

  • EXPECT 2012 – The Measure of a Godly Church

    Gary Wilkerson

    Many of us measure the success of our church based on things like attendance, budgets or building size. We get focused on the wrong measure—an ungodly measure. Our congregations become consumers and we are vendors trying to tailor our church to match their tastes and whims. We start to compete against the church down the street by having cooler music and ear-tickling messages. God's measure of a successful church is one that is reaching the lost and making disciples.

  • EXPECT 2012 – Understanding Opposition

    Carter Conlon

    Like Paul, many are facing opposition on all sides. They feel their ministry is amounting to nothing; and they are on the verge of quitting. Don't be discouraged! Joseph, Moses, Jesus and many others have had to face opposition. Sometimes God has to take us through a trial to accomplish His purposes in our life. God will bring you through. Christ has all the strength you need. Your life is of great value in the Kingdom of God. Learn to trust Him through your trial and you will come out the other side with a testimony of God's faithfulness.

  • This We Will Do

    Gary Wilkerson

    The writer of Hebrews has a lot to say, but is having a hard time explaining it. Why? It's not a language barrier or an issue of complexity. It's because we become dull of hearing. We become like children—dependent and self-centered. The only spiritual growth we get is from Sunday service, and we go to get something out of it for ourselves, rather than seeing it as an opportunity to minister to others and to the Lord. Sunday morning is not the "big show." It's only a small part of how we live out our faith. At the core of all we do, should be making radical mission-minded disciples.